The Limited Times

Cingolani, we are in a war economy

5/8/2022, 3:40:45 PM

"We are in a war economy". Thus the Minister of ecological transition Roberto Cingolani in his speech at the Città Impresa Festival. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - VICENZA, 08 MAY - "We are in a war economy".

   Thus the Minister of the ecological transition Roberto Cingola in his speech at the Città Impresa Festival.

"On a second Recovery, the commission is discussing why a European question is moving forward," said Cingolani.

"In this war economy - he concluded - some countries will be much more affected by these energy choices than others".

We will place the gasifier in the place that will allow us to do it more quickly ", he later said." Whether it is in the Tyrrhenian Sea or the Adriatic Sea - the Minister specified - we talked about the area of ​​Piombino and Ravenna "." a purely technical choice - added Cingolani - to which we are already providing.

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