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Have you been promised a "green pesticide"? Worked on you | Israel today

5/8/2022, 9:32:28 AM

Towards the hot season, the demand for home pesticides increases, but by law - it is permissible to order an exterminator only when pests are encountered in the house, and not as a prevention • How dangerous is the pesticide, and why is the name "green pesticide" misleading and incorrect? • Everything you need to know

The pest season, better known as "summer", is approaching - and with it the increase in orders from various pest control companies: before Zap data, from the end of Passover there was a 40% increase in pesticide searches, compared to the period before the holiday.

Although we want to avoid encountering pests like cockroaches in our home - by law, it is now allowed to order a home pest control service only if there are pests in the house, and not as a precautionary measure.

This law was applied following a disaster that befell the Gross family from Jerusalem in 2014, in which the family's daughters, Yael and Abigail Gross, aged two and four, died as a result of inhaling pesticides left in the apartment.

Since these are hazardous materials, it is very important to be careful about the process and know what the guidelines and recommendations are when pest control.

"Our main message is that this pesticide is not preventable, and in fact preventive pesticide is a violation of the law," notes Dr. Gal Zagron, director of the Ministry of Environmental Protection's pest and pest control department. Passover, but preventive pesticides are not professionally correct, safe and, as mentioned, even legal.

Pest control is performed only if there are pests that need to be controlled.

A good exterminator, who works by law, should identify the pest and its level of infestation.

"Two ants on the counter because they left the sugar package open, this is not a reason to order a pesticide - this is the last step that should be taken."

Dr. Gal Zagron, Photo: Tami Bar Shai

Who is exposed to enforcement measures in the event of a violation of the law?

"The exterminator is exposed to enforcement measures on our part, but it is not easy to prove such a thing. It is a criminal proceeding, which sometimes also includes financial sanctions. Bottom line, there is no harm that cannot be prevented before the extermination."

like what?

"The small fire ant must be exterminated, because it invades, but there are preventive measures that can be taken, such as checking the seedlings in the house. Also, those who live in the village will not be able to carry out pest control in their house if there are openings everywhere. Instead, seal openings. Or access routes.Rats climb branches - if there is a branch that touches the window, a good exterminator can detect where rodents enter the house and offer treatment solutions without hazardous material, as in the case of mosquito larvae in stagnant water - you can pour the water and the larvae will die. "Does not solve the problem. Pesticides will kill only the adult mosquitoes."

Zagron gives another example of ineffective pesticides: "A person lives on the fifth floor of a new building and has ants, and every few months he orders pesticides, but he still has ants. In this case he is also exposed to hazardous substances, and he did not solve the problem either. Testers would find that he had a flowerpot on his porch that had an ant nest in his soil, and if he handled the flowerpot directly he would have saved exposure to pesticides. An individual can identify him. "

Hila Kindler, Regev Commandments Ltd., Photo: Courtesy of Regev Commandments Ltd.

No preparation without risk

So what exactly is the exterminator going to do in your home?

If you have no idea about the actions he is about to perform - it is not certain that he is a professional person.

"It is the legal duty of an exterminator to explain what he is going to do, and to give the name of the preparation," explains Dr. Zagron.

The exterminator must also say what the ways of prevention and treatment are.

"There was a case of someone who suffered from cockroaches, and it turned out that she bought used items on the market that stored the cockroaches in them - as mentioned, this is actually an external source."

What are the risks of pesticides?

"There is no risk-free product, and each product has its own risk. It is safer to use ant baits, because only ants will reach them, while spraying is less specific and more diffuse. There are safety instructions, such as not entering the area until properly ventilated. For label instructions, the risks are minimal, if at all, but often do not do everything according to the instructions. And most importantly - you should choose a professional with a valid license from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Like bed bugs and termites. "

What about household sprays?

"They should be used in moderation, and in accordance with the label's instructions. A clean and tidy house, with tidy infrastructure, should not suffer from pests, which need water, moisture and food. The fleas are in the dust. It's not a waste and we're done, and it's not a place to clean. All preparations, including household ones, are evaluated by a committee from year to year. "The international guidelines are removed from the register. Years ago, organic phosphorus was used, today it is forbidden in sanitary pesticides."

Caution - Pesticide, illustration, photo: Yehoshua Yosef

"Green Pesticide" Scam

If you've heard of "green pesticide", you should know that there really is no such thing.

"We see this as a deception," notes Dr. Zagron, "a pesticide is a dangerous substance.

There are preparations that are more specific and less toxic, such as in mosquito control, but these are preparations that are based on toxins.

We have a directive for local authorities to work according to a hierarchy, and start with the preparation that is the least harmful and dangerous.

"Sometimes the customer will have to be patient, and not all the pests will die at once."

Jacob Deutsch, author of Pest Control Deutsch & Sons, also says that the whole issue of "green pesticides" is actually a scam: "There is no such thing, and it is forbidden to publish marble. All pesticides are poison," he explains, detailing the differences according to pests: "It is the most common, the largest, and its treatment is by spraying. The German cockroach is treated with a gel, mainly on door hinges and hiding places."

How long should I leave the house after spraying?

"It varies according to the material. There are those who have enough time to go out for an hour, and there are those who have to wait six hours until they evaporate."

And what about prices?

Of course, they vary according to the professional, but it usually costs between 300-350 shekels for an exterminator visit, depending on the size of the house.

If there are other pests, such as ants, the price of the pesticide will go up.

Hila Kindler, an agronomist at Regev Pest Control and Pests Ltd., confirms that the direction they have taken in recent years is to reduce pesticides, and prefer less aggressive pesticide methods. It is very smart that one should maintain health.

Strong pesticides used to be sprayed unnecessarily, but in recent years this has only been done if necessary.

These are also more environmentally friendly materials, meaning that the material concentrations are lower, or that the materials themselves are composed of molecules that are capable of breaking down.

However - these are not yet green pesticides, and in most cases not even organic pesticides, these are usually marginal pesticides, such as those of pharmacists who repel mosquitoes.

For cockroaches in the house - there is nothing to do but pesticides. "

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