The Limited Times

VIDEO. Plane crash at 4000 m altitude in Nepal: the bodies of the 22 victims found

5/31/2022, 1:38:48 PM

The plane crash took place on a hard-to-reach mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal. The twin engine of a Nepalese company was going

The wreckage of the plane in the photo released by the Nepalese army leaves no doubt about the violence of the shock and the little chance left to the victims of getting out of this terrible crash alive.

Taken through the clouds, the image shows the slope of a mountain littered with debris.

You can clearly see the aircraft's registration number 9N-AET in the center in green letters on what appears to be the remains of a wing.

The aircraft had left Pokhara, the second city of the country to go to Jomsom, a remote area, appreciated by hikers who make their departure for the high peaks of this region of the Himalayas.

Among the victims: Nepalese, Germans and an entire Indian family, a couple and their two children, their daughter and their son, aged 15 and 22.

The accident area is difficult to access for rescuers.

More than sixty people, soldiers, guides, residents were mobilized to find the bodies of the victims.

“These mountains are extremely dangerous.

The area where the accident took place is covered with thick clouds most of the time.

It was difficult to get there, and we couldn't locate the site yesterday, said Baburam Shrestha, a major general in the Nepalese army who is helping with the search.

We located it today with the help of local guides.

The terrain is very difficult and the weather remains unpredictable”.

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If the causes are not yet known with certainty, the rescuers evoke the circumstances.

“It seems that the plane collided directly with the rock of the mountain, explains Baburam Shrestha.

Pieces and debris from the aircraft were strewn after the collision with the rock.

But the plane did not catch fire.


Nepal pays a heavy price when it comes to air safety.

Airports are known to have the most dangerous airstrips in the world.

Aircraft maintenance and pilot training are also singled out.

The twin-engine Twin Otter that crashed first flew more than 40 years ago.

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