The Limited Times

Summit of the Americas

6/6/2022, 10:48:46 AM

Political frictions should not hide the relevance of the agreements that the region needs The ninth Summit of the Americas, convened from this Monday, June 6, to June 10 in Los Angeles, has shown the seams of the continent even before its celebration. This call has anticipated some of the tensions that complicate the relationship between the United States and Latin America precisely when President Joe Biden seeks to save Washington's influence in the region. The spigot of discomfort wa

The ninth Summit of the Americas, convened from this Monday, June 6, to June 10 in Los Angeles, has shown the seams of the continent even before its celebration.

This call has anticipated some of the tensions that complicate the relationship between the United States and Latin America precisely when President Joe Biden seeks to save Washington's influence in the region.

The spigot of discomfort was the list of invited countries.

The first to put it on the table, also taking advantage of the political opportunity, was the Mexican president.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador made his participation conditional on the inclusion of representatives of the governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, whom the US administration had excluded from the summit and whom it systematically accuses of violating human rights.

The dispute began as a bilateral pulse that twisted the plans of the White House, interested in presenting a common agenda for North America together with Mexico and Canada at the summit.

But soon other critical voices were added to the format of the meeting, which falls to the host and the Organization of American States (OAS), through a technical secretariat.

Several heads of state supported the philosophy of López Obrador's approach, without ruling out their attendance at the event.

This is the case of the Chilean Gabriel Boric, the Honduran Xiomara Castro or the Argentine Alberto Fernández.

The latter did keep his presence in suspense until the end, but finally chose to attend after agreeing with his Mexican counterpart that he would do so to speak on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC),

During the weeks of negotiation there have been important gestures by the United States, which softened its immigration policy in relation to Cuba and lowered the oil sanctions on Venezuela.

And this week the hosts had not yet closed the final list of participants, leaving the door open to the invitation of a second level Cuban delegation.

But what the preparations for the Summit of the Americas have made clear are the differences between Washington and a significant block from the rest of the continent.

The last few weeks have shown that the path of the imposition of the era of Donald Trump is over.

Multilateral issues must be addressed through dialogue and negotiation, without this implying overlooking the human rights abuses of the countries marginalized from the conclave.

Biden has given signs of having received the message and is willing to inaugurate a new stage.

The governments traditionally more suspicious of the United States, sometimes still anchored in an old anti-imperialist rhetoric, must for their part suspend prejudices and open themselves to a more fluid relationship.

Political frictions have not only diverted the focus from the important reasons that justify the summit, but also endanger urgent agreements on economic, health, migration and security matters that affect the entire region.

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