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Summit of the Americas, live: news and breaking news


The IX Summit of the Americas takes place from this Monday in Los Angeles, United States, and will last until this Friday, June 10.

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5 posts

25 mins ago

Antony Blinken affirms that the summit will be "a success"

The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, assured that the Summit of the Americas that takes place in Los Angeles will be "a success."

"I think the summit is going to be a success. We are already seeing that we have delegations, more than 60 delegations that are here. We will have more than 20, 23 heads of government or heads of state that will be here. And perhaps as important as any another thing, we have civil society, we have young people, we have the media, we have the business commission, all united," he said during an interview with CNN.

"It is, of course, about the governments, but it is also about the much broader community of the Americas, which will be meeting here in Los Angeles for the next 3 days," the official added.

32 mins ago

A young man interrupts Luis Almagro during a talk

Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), speaks on "The role and responsibility of governments in supporting media integrity" at the Media Summit of the Americas at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University in Los Angeles on June 7, 2022. (Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)

A young man interrupted the OAS secretary, Luis Almagro, during an event held this Tuesday within the framework of the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles.

"Luis Almagro, you have blood on your hands, because of your lies there was a coup against a democratically elected government in Bolivia and that dictatorship that you helped install massacred 36 people, 36 innocent people," the man shouted from the audience. referring to the deaths of protesters during the political crisis in Bolivia in 2019.

Immediately, Almagro responded forcefully warning about the falsity of his accusations.

The young man was removed from the room by security personnel.

Almagro defended the mission of the OAS observers in the 2019 elections, adding: "This type of lies, of course, is not the correct approach, this is not the correct way."

The technical mission of the OAS was the one that reported alleged fraud in the counting of the presidential election, after which a political crisis was triggered that included the resignation of Evo Morales from the presidency and the assumption of Jeanine Áñez as interim president.

Bolivia was the scene at that time of violent incidents in which "at least 37 people lost their lives," according to a report published in August 2021 by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI), of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. .

The spirited exchange occurred during a talk in which Almagro announced the launch of the Center for Media Integrity of the Americas to promote high-quality journalism.

Authorities did not identify the man who interrupted the conference.

CNN is trying to determine his status.

33 mins ago

What the snub from AMLO and other leaders means for the US

By Kevin Liptack

Mexico's president's decision to boycott the Summit of the Americas, where regional leaders meet this week in Los Angeles, rendered months of work by President Joe Biden and other top officials to convince him to attend useless.

Key countries in Central America are following the example of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO, as he is known), sending only lower-level delegates instead of their presidents.

And by the time Biden arrives at the Summit of the Americas on Wednesday, questions about the event's guest list and attendees will have obscured its larger purpose, a source of frustration for administration officials who didn't necessarily expect disaster.

The decision by several countries to stay away from the meeting in Southern California, a protest against Biden's decision not to invite three regional autocrats, has underscored the struggle to exert US influence in a region that it has fractured politically and is struggling economically.

In addition, he exposed the difficulties and contradictions in Biden's promise to restore democratic values ​​in American foreign policy.

Although he opposes inviting dictators to a summit on US soil, drawing the ire and boycott of those key regional partners, his advisers are simultaneously planning a visit to Saudi Arabia, seen as a necessity at a time of crisis. global energy crisis, despite the kingdom's dire human rights record.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday that the kingdom is an "important partner," even though Biden once said she must become a "pariah."

Read the full note here.

38 mins ago

How does the US face its leadership in the Summit of the Americas?

Analysts question US leadership at Summit of the Americas 3:34

The US arrives at the Summit of the Americas —which takes place in Los Angeles— with a leadership under question, according to some analysts.

The relationship with the hemisphere has changed and it is not the same as in 1994, when the first summit was held in Miami.

36 mins ago

The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, assured that the Summit of the Americas that takes place in Los Angeles "is going to be a success."

"I think the summit is going to be a success. We are already seeing that we have delegations, more than 60 delegations that are here. We will have more than 20, 23 heads of government or heads of state that will be here. And perhaps as important as any another thing, we have civil society, we have young people, we have the media, we have the business commission, all united".

he said during an interview with CNN.

"It is, of course, about the governments, but it is also about the much broader community of the Americas, which will be meeting here in Los Angeles for the next 3 days," he added.

The Summit of the Americas

Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2022-06-08

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