The Limited Times

The report on the ETS reform of the climate package was rejected

6/8/2022, 5:23:04 PM

(HANDLE) STRASBOURG - The plenary of the European Parliament voted against the report on the reform of the EU Ets market signed by Peter Liese (EPP, Germany) . The report will return to the Environment Committee. Too many controversial points that divided the majority. Items approved from late morning onwards, such as those that include incinerators and waste-to-energy plants and shipping in the system, ne

STRASBOURG - The plenary of the European Parliament

voted against the report on the reform of the EU Ets market signed by Peter Liese (EPP, Germany)


The report will return to the Environment Committee.

Too many controversial points that divided the majority.

Items approved from late morning onwards, such as those that include incinerators and waste-to-energy plants and shipping in the system, need to be reviewed.

The situation worsened after

S&D parent company Iraxte Garcia Perez

called for a three-minute break for consultations on the final vote with MEPs from her business family.

After very agitated moments, the majority of the hemicycle spoke out against the Liese report. 

A review of the proposal in Strasbourg may not arrive until September.


gradual elimination of free emission quotas

benefiting large European industry was the

breaking point of the majority of the European Parliament on the ETS reform


This was explained by the

president of the Environment Commission Pascal Canfin

speaking to journalists.

An "unexpected situation but we will manage it", began the French politician of Renew.

"The break occurred on the final date of elimination of free quotas; Renew's compromise with the S & D provided for the period 2026-32 and we had expected it to pass but it was rejected by 11 MEPs," he explained.

Instead, the

EPP amendment passed, which identified the transition period in 2028-34

, a sort of red line for the Greens, the Socialists and the left who therefore spoke out against the whole reform in the final vote.

"Only the EPP and Renew voted in favor of the final text" while the left and right of the hemicycle "for different reasons voted against" overturning the majority, added the MEP.

"The votes on the social climate fund and the carbon tax at the borders have been postponed to the Environment Commission - concluded Canfin - because they are closely linked to the ETS reform, on which we will immediately begin to negotiate to find a solution".


The S&D group blocked the reform of the ETS system because it did not get what it wanted

, that is an ideological reform that penalizes the workers. Given the defeat, the socialists allied themselves with Afd and Le Pen to block everything. In order to block everything. they have allied themselves with the extreme left and the extreme right. "


vice president of the EPP and coordinator of Fi, Antonio Tajani

, says this, speaking with reporters in Strasbourg after the first votes on the Fit for 55 .

Enrico Letta on the climate package?

"Evidently he forgot about the workers or was not listened to, because confusion reigns among the Socialists," he adds.

In the first votes on the climate package at the Plenary of the European Parliament, not only did the Ursula majority split but

also the majority of the Draghi government confirmed its divisions on environmental issues


Pd, Forza Italia, Lega and M5S voted in no particular order on the text of the Ets reform while some distinctions - as shown by the printouts - also emerged within the Dem delegation.

The reform of the Ets system, which did not pass in the Chamber, was in fact voted by Fi, while M5S abstained and the League voted against.

The overwhelming majority of the Pd delegation also voted to reject the reform after the indigestible EPP amendments had been passed to the Socialists and Democrats.

Amendment 231 was presented by the EPP together with the Conservatives and Reformists (in which there is the Fdi delegation) and the Id group (where the League sits) and concerned the postponement to 2034 of the end of the free emission quotas for the energy-intensive industry.

The amendment, within the Dem delegation, received the favorable vote of Paolo De Castro and the abstentions of Patrizia Toia and Irene Tinagli.

On the final vote, with the text already modified by the EPP amendments, the dem MEPs split again: Tinagli voted in favor, Pietro Bartolo, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Giuliano Pisapia and Massimiliano Smeriglio voted against.

Instead, the head of delegation Brando Benifei, Simona Bonafè, Caterina Chinnici, Andrea Cozzolino, Paolo De Castro, Alessandra Moretti and Pina Picierno sat down.

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