The Limited Times

The whole city center is a body of sound

7/11/2022, 8:07:13 AM

The whole city center is a body of sound Created: 07/11/2022, 10:00 am The boys and girls from Ute Lehmann's group sang at the Marienbrunnen. © Johannes Jais Music was played for three hours, mostly 15 minutes, at five locations in downtown Weilheim. For example, 30 mini-concerts came together at “Music in the City”, which were given by students and teachers from the music school to the delight

The whole city center is a body of sound

Created: 07/11/2022, 10:00 am

The boys and girls from Ute Lehmann's group sang at the Marienbrunnen.

© Johannes Jais

Music was played for three hours, mostly 15 minutes, at five locations in downtown Weilheim.

For example, 30 mini-concerts came together at “Music in the City”, which were given by students and teachers from the music school to the delight of passers-by.

Weilheim – Amara is relaxed and waiting for the little performance.

She learns a particularly rare instrument: a quint fiddle.

Then the announcement from her teacher Doris Seitner.

Accompanied by Annika on the guitar, Amara first plays a piece by Beethoven and then the Greek folk song "Charalambis".

That was just one contribution from many in the 30 mini-concerts at five locations under the motto "Music in the City".

Weilheim should sound, thought the teachers and children of the music school.

For the first time in three years, they took to the streets again to make themselves heard.

"There was quite a lot going on," said Berthold Reitinger, the deputy head of the music school, about the response.

250 children and young people showed what they are capable of singing or playing an instrument.

In total, there are almost 1,200 students at the music school in Weilheim, including the classes in Tutzing and Bernried, as Reitinger describes.

"Gong" performs with two dozen guitarists

Soloists, duos, ensembles and orchestras made themselves heard.

In any case, the visitors, among them many parents, grandparents, but also interested listeners, were offered a wide range.

The formation "Gong" performed shortly after 1 p.m. in the last of six mini-concerts on Schmiedstrasse.

Contrary to popular belief, the name stands for an ensemble of two dozen young guitarists who are taught by Sonja Gruber, Doris Seitner and Christian Rosa-Rodriguez.

Wilde on the cello

At the Marienbrunnen in the heart of the pedestrian zone, Ute Lehmann let the sparks of enthusiasm fly over the numerous listeners with the boys and girls of early musical education.

The children's string orchestra and a violin ensemble (directed by Gesa Harms and Astrid Wolfrath) marked the end of the performance.

Strings could also be heard on the church square - including "Die Tutzinger Cellowilden".

Already in the morning harpists made people sit up and take notice.

The six of them under the pavilion, which offered sun protection, not only elicited fine tones from their instruments, but the six of them also gave an impressive picture.

Everyone was easygoing

Smaller groups had their performance in front of the museum.

The focus was on the electric piano.

"Fun with the keys" was the order of the day.

The instrument was also used to accompany singing and violin.

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The big band from the Weilheim high school with music teacher Arthur Lehmann marked the end of the day.

She played as well as the accordion orchestra with Josef Dichtl, the percussion group "Los Okedos" with Alexander Gotowtschikow and the formation "Air Connection XS", an adult group with symphonic wind music, in the courtyard in front of the music school.

Rich sound with saxophones and trombones in pieces like "Groovin Hard" or "Themes from New York, New York".

“Everyone was relaxed about it,” Reitinger summed up.

This meant the participants as well as the audience.

There was an atmosphere typical of small street concerts.

In which it was well expressed how it sounds and, above all, with what variety it sounds in Weilheim.

John Jais

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