The Limited Times

Yount Credit gets involved: Four senior officials arrested on suspicion of stealing tens of millions of shekels | Israel today

7/12/2022, 7:49:57 PM

Investigators from the Securities Authority raided the offices of the non-bank credit company Yount Credit and arrested Shlomo Isaac, Yitzhak Ezer, Shai Panso and Yitzhak Eviatar on suspicion of theft, false reporting, receiving anything fraudulently, etc. • They were released under restrictive conditions - including a restraining order , The company reported another suspicion of discrepancies in the company's books in the amount of NIS 50 million

The Securities Authority this evening opened an open investigation against senior executives of the non-bank credit company Yonet Credit, from which former Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon resigned a month ago.

PA investigators raided the company's offices and summoned four of its senior officials for questioning on suspicion of theft, false reporting, receiving anything fraudulently under aggravated circumstances and also for forgery and inside information for tens of millions of shekels.

The four arrested are Shlomo Isaac, Yitzhak Ezer, Shai Panso and Yitzhak Eviatar.

The four were brought before a judge and released on bail of millions of shekels after the investigation under restrictive conditions - including a restraining order.

Former Minister Kahlon has not been summoned for questioning, and it is estimated that he may have been summoned for testimony.

At the same time, the company reported tonight on another suspicion of discrepancies in the company's books in the amount of NIS 50 million.

A report to the stock exchange reads: "Examinations carried out at the request of the company's independent directors, it appears that in parallel with the transfer transaction to the controlling shareholders, the company executed transactions, in which about NIS 50 million were transferred from the company to the private company. "Were not approved as required by law and were not reported to the public."

Kahlon, it will be recalled, resigned as chairman of the company's board after only a year in the shadow of a series of irregularities in the company. In the letter of resignation he wrote: "Unfortunately, I joined the company. "

Two weeks earlier, the stock exchange reported financial "discrepancies" in the company's reports amounting to between NIS 7-5 million, which forced the chairman of the board of Kahlon to suspend the publication of the quarterly reports.

The stock exchange's report regarding the affair stated at the time that "the company may have exposure in respect of loans that are significantly higher than in previous reports and that the company does not have the capacity to assess at this time.

The power of businessman Shlomo Isaac, Adv. Eran Shaham-Shavit, said:

Shlomo answered all the questions asked.

In general, I would like to emphasize that a considerable part of the issues were not reflected to Mr. Isaac at all in real time and another part of the issues is the one that demanded and pushed the board to check and find out.

Shlomo continues to believe in the company and its business and he is convinced that the company will return to a path of success and profitability. "

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