The Limited Times

Opinion | Between Left and Right, State of Palestine Israel today

7/20/2022, 6:35:49 AM

The lack of a horizon of peace and Israel's refusal to accept the Saudi peace offer and normalization could take a very high toll on Israel.

One of the characteristics of the 25th Knesset election campaign is the lack of any discourse on a political solution.

Until about two decades ago, the main discourse in the election was about how peace with the Arabs would be achieved.

Today, even a visit by the president of the world's largest power, Joe Biden, did not raise the issue of a two-state solution - Israel and Palestine.

The lack of a horizon of peace and Israel's refusal to accept the Saudi peace offer and normalization, which was officially adopted by the Arab League, the organization uniting the 22 Arab countries - could come at a very high price from Israel.

The price is mainly image-based, since Israel has so far been portrayed in the world in general and in the Arab world in particular as a refuser of peace.

It is no wonder that all the political leaders in Israel, right and left, are moving away from the Palestinian issue like wildfire, and anyone who dares to raise the issue becomes a leper. 

Just as the Palestinian Authority has the right to conduct its civil affairs without continuing to depend on the Israeli economy, so does the right of the State of Israel to secure a peace agreement that will ensure the safety and security of its citizens, but the existence of these two things is directly related to entering into negotiations.

At some point, relations between Israel and the PA, which today are like a barrel of explosives, could erupt and cause damage to both Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which is in any case weak for both foreign and domestic reasons.

Peace between Israel and the Palestinians is not a dream and it is not impossible.

It is much closer to any peace that Israel can make with any Arab government or ruler.

Peace with Arab countries does not cause over-enthusiasm among the public in the Arab world, who feel that its leaders are picking the fruits and leaving them away from it.

If we take for example the peace with Morocco or the Emirates, the famous product of the Abrahamic Agreements - then in Israel the people enjoy it, the fruits of the economy and tourism, but for the Arab citizens - this peace is a distant rumor.

They continue to listen mainly to rumors about the Palestinian problem.

This occupation directly harms Israel - in terms of image, security and politics.

The prime ministers and policy leaders, who opposed any dialogue with the Palestinian leadership, had to deal with and make various decisions related to the Palestinian issue, from Ariel Sharon through Avigdor Lieberman and Benjamin Netanyahu to Naftali Bennett.

It is precisely now that Israel must respond to the Arab League's proposal and open negotiations before it is too late, and reality will require a bi-national state that will become the opposite.

Were we wrong?


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