The Limited Times

Opinion | Blue and White Political Enforcement Israel today

7/21/2022, 1:23:05 AM

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz does not enforce illegal Palestinian construction but directs resources against the establishment of new Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria • In doing so, he establishes the de facto Palestinian state

Good morning, Benny Gantz.

This week we found out that if the defense minister just wants to fight illegal construction in Judea and Samaria - he knows.

Everything Gantz has not done in the last two years, he is doing these days literally, but not against the savage Arab takeover of Judea and Samaria, but against Jews.

"Gantz ordered the establishment of the new settlements," it was written, and like a military operation, he ticked off the defense system and the IDF Central Command to fight youths and families seeking to land and establish new settlements. The IDF and police announced in advance that checkpoints would be set up Dedicated task forces will be deployed to act "to prevent any illegal activity."

The operation of the new settlements of the Nahala movement is like cool water in the heart of a desert.

He is in the line not only because of the pioneering spirit that blows in him, not only because of the momentum and daring - but mainly because he comes against the background of the criminal failure of the State of Israel.

In recent years, the Palestinian Authority has implemented the "Fayyad Plan," funded and backed by Europe, which means de facto construction of the Palestinian state, with an investment of millions of dollars.

Jewish residents are witnessing the choking rings being built illegally around their communities, reporting to the Civil Administration, shouting up - and no one in the house.

vice versa.

The indifference is demonstrated, there is no law and no justice, and the Arabs are building another house, another building, plowing another field, planting more trees.

All illegally and with a kosher stamp of the Civil Administration and Defense Minister Ganz.

Ganz does not use "dedicated task forces" against the illegal Arab construction, does not set up checkpoints against it and does not "instruct" to prevent it.

On the contrary, he is currently working to launder about 1,

Housing Minister Zeev Elkin insisted in the coalition agreements on adding 50 standards of inspectors to the Civil Administration for the purpose of enforcing illegal construction in Judea and Samaria.

Ganz did not man the standards, light and material did not refer them to the enforcement of Arab illegal construction.

But against boys from the Nahala movement?

It has manpower, resources, inspectors, and even dedicated task forces.

This is what selective enforcement looks like, this is what political enforcement looks like.

In practice, Bnei Gantz establishes the Palestinian state.

Without pompous agreements or Nobel Prizes, but in practice with the Palestinian Authority and on the ground at the expense of us all.

The head of the Disengagement Administration, Yonatan Basi, once said: "I was a battalion commander, I was a brigadier general, I was a divisional brigadier general, and I can testify that the IDF has never been prepared for war as it was prepared for disengagement."

What was is what is now, when the Jews want to build - the system proves that it knows how to act efficiently and seriously.


The State of Israel Model 2000 has made the settlement of the Land of Israel a crime, and looks indifferently as the Palestinians bite it in the homeland, in the land.

"Once in some sense the settlement of Eretz Israel becomes a mitzvah for an offense, I am not there. I am in a place where the settlement of Eretz Israel is fulfilled."

This sentence is signed by the wonderful Naomi Shemer, and is like a will for us.

Were we wrong?


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