The Limited Times

Politicians in the spotlight Israel today

7/24/2022, 7:54:34 PM

Merav Michaeli's decision whether to unite with Meretz or not should be examined with the tools used to examine unifications and divisions in politics, regardless of gender identity • She has demonstrated sharp political senses so far

"Aren't you impressed by the power couple you and Zabha make?"

Rav Michaeli was asked in one of the interviews.

An interesting statement, which is not addressed to Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir, who refuses to agree to the hug offered to him by Smotrich.

Nor is it addressed to Moshe Gafni, who stands at the head of the Torah banner, which together with Agudath Israel assembles Torah Judaism, when he scatters hints about walking separately if, God forbid, he is not placed at the head of Torah Judaism, but Rabbi Goldknopf.

In their case it is not a male struggle or bad blood.

Michaeli's refusal to unite with Meretz is called a "feminist struggle."

One of the commentary columns on the weekend suggested that the refusal was rooted in the past, when Michaeli was rejected when she asked to join Meretz and another journalist, Nitzan Horowitz, was preferred.

The undercurrent that accompanies all interpretations is that women are driven by emotions;

that they do not cooperate due to illogical motives, and not purely political motives.

Benny Gantz and Gideon Sa'ar are praised for their union, although it is clear why Sa'ar chose this step (fear of the percentage of obstruction) and why Gantz agreed (the need for representation for the state right, of which Sa'ar is the clear representative).

Merav Michaeli is being crucified, and it is convenient for all her critics to ignore the fact that such a connection has been tried and failed, and that perhaps it is the reason for the current state of the left.

There is no place to place the responsibility for the political situation on Zehava Galon or Michaeli.

Whatever Michaeli decides, her decision must be examined with the tools that examine unions and divisions in politics, regardless of gender identity.

Michaeli has demonstrated sharp political senses so far, and it is appropriate not to speak of her only as a woman whose "hair is long and her mind is short."

Obviously, Michaeli is aware that all eyes are on her.

They shout at her from the stands - waves of responsibility, and she answers - I actually show responsibility.

I have learned from the past, I do not repeat the mistakes of my predecessors, and I act in accordance with the interests of the party I lead.

Gantz is not accused of not having learned his lesson, and he continues to connect even when sometimes it is clear that no superglue will stick between them.

To his credit, he bears responsibility and will pay by ballot if the bet fails.

Michaeli and Gantz and Saar accept responsibility for their decisions.

Precisely from the other political side they disclaim responsibility.

We have recently witnessed an escape from omissions that happened during the shift of elected officials.

I didn't see, I didn't hear, I didn't know - says the chairman of the opposition, Binyamin Netanyahu, regarding the bottles of champagne that were sent to his wife in sealed black bags, and also to make a thousand thousand differences, regarding the death of 45 people in the Miron disaster. Regarding Miron, the former BTP minister said, Amir Ohana, the immortal sentence: I am responsible, but responsibility does not mean guilt.

In his testimony before the committee, Netanyahu said that he should contact the Ombudsman. How can I be responsible for something that I did not know? He argued passionately as if he was not the prime minister at the time.

It all started with Adam and Eve.

The first thing Adam said when asked why he ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge - it's not me, it's my wife who seduced me.

And Eve blamed the serpent.

We all pay for it to this day.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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