The Limited Times

The Jewish Agency crisis: President Herzog is working to end tensions with Russia Israel today

7/26/2022, 9:38:16 AM

The President's House confirmed to "Israel Hayom" that Herzog was recruited to help resolve the crisis between the two countries • But they replied in the negative that he had discussed the matter with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin

State President Yitzhak Herzog was recruited to help resolve the crisis with the Russians, around the issue of stopping the activities of the Jewish Agency in Russia.

President Herzog is acting in various ways in order to bring about an end to the crisis.

The President's House confirmed to Israel Hayom that Herzog was recruited to help resolve the crisis between the two countries, and answered in the negative to the question of whether he had discussed the matter with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Earlier today, President Yitzhak Herzog addressed the issue of the activities of the Jewish Agency in Russia and said: "Naturally, the issue that has occupied us in recent days regarding the activities of the Jewish Agency in Russia is an issue that is really close to my heart, so I am using two tools: one, there are things that silence is good for.

Putin and Herzog did not discuss the crisis, photo: E.


"I think that the less we talk, the better, and this will allow the whole issue to be handled correctly. Two, I work in full cooperation with Prime Minister Lapid, in full trust. We work for the State of Israel and for the Jewish people. We cooperate, and where I can help, I will help ".

Earlier today, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs voiced claims that the issue of stopping the activities of the Jewish Agency in the country is related to the legal level only, and has nothing to do with the political differences between Moscow and Jerusalem.

Also, the announcement attacked Israel's conduct and claimed that it was biased in favor of Ukraine. 

This morning, the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow, Maria Zakharova, said in an interview to a local radio station: "We regret that Israel has chosen an unconstructive, biased and biased position against Russia in the Ukrainian issue. In recent months, we have heard inflammatory and unconstructive rhetoric from Tel Aviv." 

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