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Hartz IV subsidy will be paid out in July – there should be higher standard rates in 2023

7/31/2022, 3:28:49 AM

Hartz IV subsidy will be paid out in July – there should be higher standard rates in 2023 Created: 07/31/2022 05:03 By: Anika Zuschke Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner puts things off with a new relief package for 2023 – then the standard rates for basic security should also increase. ( © Future Image/Imago/Fabian Sommer/dpa The Hartz IV subsidy will be paid

Hartz IV subsidy will be paid out in July – there should be higher standard rates in 2023

Created: 07/31/2022 05:03

By: Anika Zuschke

Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner puts things off with a new relief package for 2023 – then the standard rates for basic security should also increase.

( © Future Image/Imago/Fabian Sommer/dpa

The Hartz IV subsidy will be paid out in July 2022 - according to Lindner, the standard rates of basic security in the new relief package will then be adjusted in 2023.

Berlin – The call for new relief from politicians is getting louder and the majority of Germans are dissatisfied with what they have received so far in the relief package.

But although the CSU, the left and also the Greens and the SPD have already called for new financial aid for the citizens, Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) is putting Germany off with a new relief package for the coming year.

In the course of this, the standard rates for basic security for 2023 are also to be adjusted upwards.

But Hartz IV recipients can look forward to a bonus very soon: the Hartz IV subsidy of 200 euros is to be paid out at the beginning of July.

Third relief package according to Lindner only in 2023 - but with higher Hartz IV standard rates

Prices have been increasing noticeably in almost all areas of German everyday life for weeks.

That is why Markus Söder from the CSU has already called for a new relief package, with which pensioners should also receive the 300 euro energy flat rate.

Because the relief packages that have been approved this year are not enough for many people.

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But Lindner does not want to put together a third relief package until next year, since "new budget funds are no longer available this year," the FDP politician told


and continued: "There will be another relief package in 2023.

In any case, the standard rates for basic security will be adjusted upwards – that helps those who need it the most.”

When is the Hartz IV bonus paid out?

200 euros subsidy for Hartz IV recipients end up in July on the account

In addition, the FDP boss emphasized that the measures of the relief packages that had already been decided, with the exception of the fuel discount and the nine-euro ticket, had not yet arrived - which is correct.

Because the energy flat rate, the child bonus and the Hartz IV subsidy from the relief package 2022 are still being paid out.

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Recipients of social benefits can look forward to their bonus very soon.

The 200 euro Hartz IV subsidy is expected to be paid out at the beginning of July 2022 together with the Hartz IV standard rate.

This applies to all those who are entitled to unemployment benefit II or social benefit in July.

In addition, the Corona bonus for Hartz IV recipients will come in July 2022.

But even people who receive unemployment benefit I in Germany do not go away empty-handed.

As part of the relief package, you will also receive a one-off payment of 100 euros in July.

Financial aid from the 2022 relief package: "We should let it sink in first"

It is questionable whether the satisfaction of Germans and politicians will increase when the remaining payments from the 2022 relief package, such as the energy flat rate of 300 euros, make themselves felt.

Nevertheless, according to Wirtschaftswoche

, Lindner is

of the opinion: "A family of four in which both parents work is relieved with the EEG surcharge, child bonus and employee allowance alone with over 1000 euros.

It all comes first. We should let it sink in first.”

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