The Limited Times

Putin: 'Avoid nuclear war'. The UN: 'A miscalculation is enough for the nuclear holocaust'

8/1/2022, 4:11:13 PM

Biden: 'Moscow and Beijing to dialogue with Washington on nuclear weapons control' To prevent Iran from possessing the atomic bomb. (HANDLE)

"There can be no winners in a

nuclear war

and it should never be unleashed", said Russian President

Vladimir Putin

, quoted by the Russian state news agency Tass.

"We start from the fact that there can be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be unleashed, and we advocate equal and indivisible security for all members of the world community," Putin said according to Tass.

The Russian president also stated that he "as a State party" to the

Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty

"and one of its custodians, Russia consistently follows the letter and spirit of the treaty".

This was reported by Interfax taking up a message from Putin addressed to the participants of a conference to monitor the implementation of the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty.



under bilateral agreements with the United States on the reduction and limitation of relevant weapons have also been

fully respected

," Putin said, according to Interfax.

"After the brutal and unprovoked aggression of Ukraine, which tore apart peace in Europe and poses a threat to international law,


must demonstrate that it is ready to resume a commitment to

dialogue with the United States

for the

control of nuclear weapons



Joe Biden

declared at the Tenth Conference of the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The American president stressed that


also has a responsibility to "start negotiations that reduce the risk of miscalculations and destabilizing military dynamics".

The United States, on the other hand, is committed to preventing


from possessing the

atomic bomb


The statement follows the announcement by the head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization

Mohammed Eslami


Iran is technically capable of building the atomic bomb

but "this goal is not currently planned". 

"One miscalculation is enough for the

nuclear holocaust


Ѐ the warning issued by the UN Secretary General,

Antonio Guterres

, on the occasion of the Tenth Conference of the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty.

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