The Limited Times

The house went up in flames: an 11-year-old boy was seriously injured in a fire in Netanya Israel today

8/1/2022, 7:05:04 AM

The fire broke out on Elimelech Neufeld Street in the city • MDA medics and paramedics are currently providing first aid at the scene • The child is conscious with burns on all parts of his body

An 11-year-old boy was seriously injured today (Monday) in a fire that broke out in a house on Rabbi Elimelech Neufeld Street in Netanya.

Medics and paramedics of Magen David Adom provided medical treatment on the spot to a child suffering from burns in all parts of his body, and he was taken to Shiba Tel Hashomer Hospital while sedated and ventilated.

At the scene of the incident, four more injured people were evacuated to the city's Laniado Hospital, including a 42-year-old man in moderate condition with signs of smoke inhalation.

The firefighters from the Netanya station are currently working on a fire in the apartment.

At this stage the incident is under control as the teams carry out scans to locate trapped and missing people in the area.

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