The Limited Times

Opinion Holocaust denial: the world is getting used to it Israel today

8/20/2022, 9:18:26 PM

Every few months, we are shocked by a famous singer who salutes in concert or by a foreign leader who disparages the memory of the Holocaust or distorts the facts related to it • But from time to time we are less shocked

Olaf Schulz took office only a few months ago, replacing Angela Merkel, the veteran chancellor who served from 2005 until December of last year.

During her time it was very important for Germany to show in every possible way that the Holocaust was a heinous crime committed by the Nazis and that today there is a different Germany.

On every visit she made sure to visit Yad Vashem, and even though she visited the Holocaust memorial institution several times, she was moved every time.

But Merkel's tears, and Schultz's too, will not be able - if they come - to wash away the truth.

The world, and Germany in it, is moving away from the memory of the Holocaust and is taking giant steps towards Holocaust denial.

This does not mean that world leaders deny the historical truth that the Holocaust took place - only a small and extreme minority does - but the distortion of the facts related to it is also serious.

We see how Poland tries to reduce the Poles' part in the Holocaust, how Ukraine tries to compare Russia's invasion of it to the Holocaust and how the invading country tries to put the label of "Nazis" on the Ukrainian soldiers.

Abu Mazen, our "partner", the one who is honorably invited to stay at the home of the Minister of Defense, the one who receives thunderous applause when he speaks at the UN General Assembly, is given a place of honor among Holocaust deniers. He wrote his doctoral thesis on the connection between Nazism and Zionism, and in his book he wrote that it is possible that the number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust was less than a million, but he did not receive his doctorate at the university in Ramallah, but at the former BRY.

Russia, which championed the war against Nazism and its modern manifestations, awarded a doctorate to a holocaust denier for a work that was entirely holocaust denial.

Germany, whose leaders beat sin under every fresh tree, remained mute when he said that "Israel committed 50 holocausts in the Palestinians."

After a few hours Schultz apologized, and so did Abbas, roughly.

They didn't apologize for what they did, but for having caught them, one with his anti-Semitism and the other with his silence.

If the State of Israel and its supporters in the world had not strongly condemned the shocking statement and the Chancellor's indifference to it, probably neither of the two leaders would have even noticed that something was said that should not have been said, after all the Holocaust is an event of the past, today everything is a Holocaust.

We are already used to such statements.

Every few months someone is shocked by a famous singer who salutes in a mass concert or by a foreign leader who disparages the memory of the Holocaust or distorts the facts related to it.

From time to time the world is less shocked.

Israel fulfills the role of defender of the honor of the Holocaust.

There is a feeling that if we don't express our displeasure every time something like this happens, the world will ignore these events and move them to the agenda, just as it ignored the six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, because what to do... was more convenient.

We must understand that this has nothing to do with the chronological distance from the Holocaust, it has to do with the fact that if we do not wake up, be shocked and express our displeasure, these things will continue to happen because the world does not care about us, even if it acts as if it does.

There is no one to trust - only ourselves.

That's how it was and that's how it will stay.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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