The Limited Times

In Algeria, Emmanuel Macron takes a detour to the past to "build" the future

8/26/2022, 7:09:16 PM

Memorial issues were at the heart of the first two days of the President of the Republic's trip to Algiers, who even announced the

These tombs are no longer flowered.

In the European cemetery of Saint-Eugene, the main one in Algiers (Algeria) during the time of French colonization, the graves have ceased to wait for the relatives of the deceased.

Surrounded by Jack Lang, Jacques Attali, or Alexandre Arcady, Emmanuel Macron wandered there for a long time, this Friday morning, in particular in the Jewish square where he gathered in front of the tomb of Roger Hanin.

Shortening accordingly a scheduled exchange with young entrepreneurs, where he was largely replaced by his ministers.

Quite a symbol.

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