The Limited Times

Iran rejects draft resolution of the Tenth Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

8/27/2022, 4:40:28 PM

New York, SANA-Iran today rejected the draft resolution of the Tenth Conference of the Member States of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Weapons

New York-Sana

Today, Iran rejected the draft resolution of the Tenth Conference of the Member States of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, expressing its protest against the unbalanced text and some issues related to the Middle East region.

IRNA quoted the Director-General of Peace and Security Affairs at the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Asadullah Eshraq Jahromi, as confirming Iran's principled positions on creating a nuclear-weapon-free zone, noting that the text of this draft was prepared according to a non-transparent and non-comprehensive process.

He explained that the draft ignored the principles agreed upon during the review conferences of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons held between 2000 and 2010, which emphasized the generalization of the treaty to include Middle Eastern countries, the annexation of Israel and placing all its nuclear facilities under comprehensive supervision by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

He pointed out that the draft text failed to maintain all the consensus reached on the Middle East issues during the previous review conferences, in implementation of the desire of the United States of America, which refrained from complying with it.

He added, "The so-called Israel, with the support of the United States, intends to obstruct serious international efforts to strip the region of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction."

He stressed that the final decisions should not lead to an increase in the marked discrimination in the provisions of the treaty by imposing more commitments on states that do not possess nuclear weapons, while states that stockpile nuclear weapons continue to disavow their commitments and commitments on nuclear non-proliferation, which led to the lack of any progress. in this context.

Jahromi stressed that Iran is proceeding seriously in its support for the harmony of the Treaty on the Limitation of Nuclear Weapons in all its pillars, calling for restoring balance to this international treaty through comprehensive, effective and immediate implementation of the commitments on nuclear disarmament stipulated therein.

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