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The world according to Queen Elizabeth - voila! news

9/8/2022, 6:36:51 PM

During her 70-year reign, Queen Elizabeth II met with a large number of world leaders, including 15 British prime ministers, 13 presidents, and every German chancellor since the end of World War II. Here are some of the recognized leaders

The world according to Queen Elizabeth

During her 70-year reign, Queen Elizabeth II met with a large number of world leaders, including 15 British prime ministers, 13 presidents, and every German chancellor since the end of World War II.

Here are some of the recognized leaders

Tali Goldstein


Thursday, September 8, 2022, 7:11 p.m. Updated: 9:04 p.m.

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Yossif Bruz Tito

On March 16, 1953, Yugoslav dictator Josip Broz Tito visited Buckingham Palace.

It was the first time the communist leader visited a western country.

The first person to shake his hand was Prince Philip.

He visited Britain again in 1971 and sparred with the Queen again.

With Tito (photo: official website, Wikipedia)

Dwight Eisenhower

In 1953, Elizabeth became Queen of Great Britain and Queen of the British Commonwealth.

In the same year, Dwight Eisenhower was sworn in as President of the United States.

He became the first American president with whom the Queen met during her tenure.

Elizabeth met President Truman when she was still a princess in 1951.

The Queen visited Eisenhower in 1957 in Washington, DC, where they had dinner at the embassy.

"It was one of the official visits we were sorry to end," Eisenhower said afterward.

With John and Jacqueline Kennedy (photo: official website, Wikipedia)

John Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States.

From 1961 to 1963 when he was murdered.

He and his wife Jacqueline visited Buckingham Palace in June 1961.

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With the President of Ghana Kwame Nkrumah (Photo: GettyImages)

Kwame Nkrumah

The Queen maintained a close relationship with countries in the British Commonwealth, which consists mainly of former British colonies.

One of these countries is Ghana in West Africa, which gained independence in 1957.

The Queen decided to visit the country in 1961, also so that Ghana would not get too close to the Soviet Union.

The visit was remembered as a success, and the most famous moment was when the Queen and the President of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah, danced together.

With Hassan Al-Bulkiyya, Sultan of Brunei (photo: official website, Wikipedia)

Hassan Al-Bulkiah, Sultan of Brunei

The Sultan of Brunei adopted the absolute monarchy.

He has ruled his country since 1967, after his father retired.

The Sultan met the Queen during her visit to Brunei in 1972, where she, Prince Philip and her daughter Princess Anne were driven in a golden carriage pulled by 64 soldiers.

With Indira Gandhi (photo: official website, Wikipedia)

Indira Gandhi

Indira served as the third Prime Minister of India from 1966-1977, and from 1980-1984 when she was assassinated.

She met the Queen in 1969, during a visit to Britain.

The Queen visited India three times: November 1963, April 1990 and October 1997.

With Ronald Reagan (photo: official website, Wikipedia)

Ronald Reagan

The 40th president of the United States who served from 1981-1989.

Reagan and the Queen shared a love of horses, and the two rode together during the Queen's visit to the United States in 1983.

Reagan was awarded a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, the highest honor a foreigner can receive, in 1989.

With Mikhail Gorbachev (photo: official website, Wikipedia)

Mikhail Gorbachev

The last leader of the Soviet Union met with the Queen at Windsor Castle during his visit to Britain in 1989.

With Vladimir Putin (photo: official website, Wikipedia)

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin was appointed President of Russia in 2000.

He met the Queen in 2003 during a state visit to the UK.

He was reportedly 15 minutes late for his meeting with her, breaking royal protocol.

With Barak and Michelle Obama (Photo: Reuters)

Barack Obama

The 44th President of the United States Barack Obama visited the UK in 2011.

In 2016, he and his wife Michelle came for a second visit, during which they spent yesterday in the company of the British royal family.

Obama, together with his wife Michelle, arrived by helicopter to the lawns of Windsor Castle, to celebrate with the Queen her 90th birthday.

Wrapped in a scarf on her head, the Queen went out with her husband Prince Philip to welcome the American couple.

The couples shook hands and got into the Ranger Rover and drove to the castle.

"The Queen has always been a source of inspiration for me," Obama later said at a press conference alongside Prime Minister David Cameron.

"She really is one of my favorite people."

With Donald Trump (Photo: GettyImages)

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump, who visited the United Kingdom in July 2018, praised the 92-year-old queen, with whom he intended to have a cup of tea at Windsor Castle.

"She's an amazing woman, she's so sharp, she's so beautiful. When I say beautiful - I mean inside and out. She's a beautiful woman," the president of the United States described the Queen, who was recorded passing her during a guard of honor held for two that goes beyond the rules of the ceremony.

With Ora Herzog (Photo: Government Press Office, Sa'ar Yaakov)

Queen Elizabeth also met with the President of Israel Haim Herzog and his wife Ora, on February 24, 1993.

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