The Limited Times

Ukraine war: "The Russian army has shown us their best side

9/10/2022, 10:13:47 PM

The Ukrainian army is taking city after city, and Putin's troops are retreating. Fighting is even said to be taking place at Donetsk airport. President Zelenskyj is correspondingly self-confident.

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv


IMAGO/Ukrainian President Press Office / IMAGO/UPI Photo

These are self-confident tones that came from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on Saturday.

Ukraine was attacked by Russia in February - now the troops are moving in the other direction: Ukraine is striking back, taking back cities from the Russian occupiers.

One after the other: Krupyansk, Balakliya, Izyum.

The head of the Russian military administration in Kharkiv Oblast, Vitaly Gantchev, called on residents to leave the region.

The Russian Ministry of Defense had previously announced a de facto withdrawal from the strategically important city of Izyum and Balakliya and spoke of a "regrouping".

The Ukrainian army has recaptured 2,000 square kilometers, said President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his daily video address.

"In the past few days, the Russian army has shown us its best side - its back side." It was "a good choice for them to flee."

There is "no place for the occupiers" in Ukraine, Zelenskyy said.

A few weeks ago, the Ukrainian army launched a counter-offensive, also using Western weapons.

Including a surprise offensive in the northeast of the country that has been running since Tuesday.

According to military experts, the Russian front line in the region has been breached.

Throughout Saturday there were reports that the Ukrainian army was heading towards retaking more and more new territories: Lysychansk in the Luhansk Oblast, for example.

There is even said to be fighting over Donetsk Airport, which has been under Russian control since 2014.

Ukraine demands more guns

And Ukraine wants more: In a meeting with Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in Kyiv, her Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba pushed for the delivery of battle tanks.

Until Berlin decides to do so, Germany should continue to supply artillery ammunition.

"It noticeably increases our offensive possibilities and it helps us to liberate new areas," he said.

Baerbock reacted reluctantly to the Ukrainian demand.

“We've been supplying heavy weapons for a long time.

And we see that these heavy weapons are also making a difference in terms of supporting Ukraine,” she said.

Kuleba also referred to the counter-offensive.

Their success shows that Ukraine can win against Russia.

But more weapons are needed.

"The more weapons we get, the faster we will win and the faster this war will end." An end to the war means solving a multitude of problems, Kuleba stressed.

"I know that time is of the essence," said Baerbock at the joint press conference.

"The next few weeks and months will be crucial."


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