The Limited Times

The new shooting range is inaugurated

9/11/2022, 1:31:50 PM

The new shooting range is inaugurated Created: 09/11/2022, 15:18 The many guests had a lot of friends at the inauguration of the new shooting range at Coziness Röhrmoos. © east Röhrmoos - The new shooting range of Coziness Röhrmoos was inaugurated last Saturday with many guests: All the shooting clubs from the greater Röhrmoos community and almost all other Röhrmoos clubs were represented. And

The new shooting range is inaugurated

Created: 09/11/2022, 15:18

The many guests had a lot of friends at the inauguration of the new shooting range at Coziness Röhrmoos.

© east

Röhrmoos - The new shooting range of Coziness Röhrmoos was inaugurated last Saturday with many guests: All the shooting clubs from the greater Röhrmoos community and almost all other Röhrmoos clubs were represented.

Andrea Hanol, secretary at the Röhrmooser Schützen, was pleased that there were hardly any empty seats in the new club hall of the sports home, because the invited guests also included the representatives of the Schützengaue Dachau and Massenhausen as well as local politicians.

The presentation showed: The construction of the now nine fully electronic shooting ranges in the basement of the sports center and the redesign of the Schützenstüberl were completed within 20 months.

All the shooting ranges were converted from cable to electronic systems, a new flag cabinet was created, light gun systems were installed and half of the shooting tables were renewed, all under Corona conditions.

The guests at the opening ceremony were particularly impressed by one number:

The evangelical vicar Isabell Freund and deacon Christian Ulrich blessed the new domicile.

The two clergymen emphasized that shooting sports are in no way in conflict with Christian teaching, because it is about physical training.

Mayor Dieter Kugler spoke of a special event in the history of the Röhrmooser Schützen, which has existed since 1925.

He congratulated the really successful work and expressed his respect for the “makers”.

In the eyes of the mayor, it was important that the association showed its new hostel to the citizens as part of an "open day".

According to Kugler, the 135-member club is a society in which sociability is very important "and the great personal contribution welds the shooters together".

The conversion of the shooting range, which was achieved through hard work and with a great deal of idealism, "may fill those responsible in the club with joy and great pride".

The municipality of Röhrmoos contributed to the creation of this gem with a subsidy of 13,500 euros.

"And even the board of trustees of the municipal community foundation recognized this extraordinarily high level of commitment to the general public and the place with a grant of 750 euros," emphasized the head of the community.

In order to be able to finance the conversion costs of around 50,000 euros, grants from the Free State of Bavaria, donations and own funds were also necessary.

The mayor handed over the municipal pitcher to rifle master Thomas Dallmair.

Dallmair received the plate of honor of the Schützengau Dachau from the deputy regional rifle master Willi Lamm and the large district tankard from the rifle district of Upper Bavaria.

Lamm explained that the club was fortunate to have a state-of-the-art shooting range.

Unfortunately, there are more and more shooting clubs that have nowhere to stay.

24 participants from the festive assembly took part in the inauguration shooting, and there the ladies and gentlemen from municipal politics had the edge: Deputy Mayor Arthur Stein from the Greens won with a 25.2 divider.

With a divider of 83.4, CSU councilor Nicole Eder came in second, ahead of Christian Blank (free voters), who took third place with a divider of 107.9.

In contrast to those placed in front of him, Blank shot freehand and not hung up.

The mayor also shot freehand, scoring a 126.1 divider, which means he also scored a great hand that was enough for 4th place.

Beer mugs made of glass with the club logo were given for the front seats.

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The Röhrmooser Schützen spoiled the festival guests with white sausages, coffee and cake.

For the many children at the "Open Day", the club had set up a drawing and play corner.

In addition to children and young people, some adults also took part in the taster shooting with light guns.

The honoring of deserving shooters will be reported separately.

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