The Limited Times

Tropical Storm Karl intensifies off the coast of Mexico

10/12/2022, 6:29:16 PM

Mexico City, SANA- Tropical Storm Karl intensified off the coast of Mexico as it approached land. and purify

Mexico City-SANA

Tropical Storm Karl intensified off the coast of Mexico as it approached land.

And the Associated Press quoted the US National Hurricane Center as saying: "Carl's winds were 70 kilometers per hour, and their center was about 300 kilometers northeast of the coastal city of Veracruz, and they were moving northwest at 9 kilometers per hour.

The storm was expected to move southwest and drift toward the Gulf of Mexico coast by Friday.

And the hurricane center said that Storm Karl is likely to be accompanied by heavy rains that fall on parts of Veracruz and Tabasco.

Storm Karl formed one day after Hurricane Julia dissipated in the Pacific Ocean, after killing at least 28 people in Central America and Mexico, after making landfall in Nicaragua on the Caribbean coast.

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