The Limited Times

Ayelet and the three conditions Israel today

10/14/2022, 5:18:25 AM

Shaked will succeed in the blocking percentage if her supporters shape the results of the polls instead of letting the polls shape their decision, if she gives one more commitment and if Netanyahu puts old hatreds behind him

I am a floating voice.

On the right, but floating, crispy.

Having trouble deciding who to vote for.

Despite this, at least two things stand out to me: Ayelet Shaked should be in the next Knesset and preferably in the next government as well, and Benjamin Netanyahu is my default choice for Prime Minister.

Both display an impressive track record.

Both also carry behind them a long trail of errors and mistakes.

When it comes to Shaked - these are mostly gross political mistakes.

In the political field she managed to make almost every possible error.

Although Shaked remains ideologically committed to the right and has proven it in actions, in recent years she has zigzagged between parties, changed political houses like socks, and most of all neglected her core promises to her voters.

Bennett, and Shaked who followed him, qualified as prime minister Lapid, a left-wing man whose position is in many ways greater than him, and legitimized the unacceptable dependence on the PM - an anti-Zionist party, which strives against the existence of the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and works for its overthrow to the state of all its citizens.

With Netanyahu, the problem is different: the former prime minister, a multi-talented phenomenon with many achievements in the fields of peace, the economy and the corona virus, is many things, better and less good, but one thing he is not: Netanyahu is not an ideological rightist.

At most, a pragmatic right.

Unlike Shaked, Netanyahu did remain loyal to the framework and the bloc, but did not show an ideological commitment to the goals of the right.

It is enough to recall the decision of his first government, the draconian decision 150 that complicated for generations the process of approving Jewish settlement in the West Bank and harmed it, or his support (bar-Ilan speech) for the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state.

Netanyahu made political alliances with Tzipi Livni (Minister of Justice) and Ehud Barak (Minister of Defense), supported the disastrous disengagement plan, signed the Wai Agreements, evacuated most of Hebron and released masses of terrorists with blood on their hands in the Shalit deal.

As part of the talks he had about a decade ago with US Secretary of State John Kerry, Netanyahu was even right to give up large parts of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

He froze construction in Jerusalem and Yosh (and then thawed it), but missing his century is, without a doubt, the loss of a once-in-a-generation opportunity to apply sovereignty over 30% of Yosh and the Jordan Valley.

Recognize the strategic damage

Shaked's damages, on the other hand, belong to the realm of consciousness, and have implications for the defiant and rebellious behavior of some Israeli Arabs today.

She and Bennett still struggle to understand what damage they have caused in their political partnership with MKs and members of the Shura Council, who seek to exercise the right of return, who often identify with the enemy and who see Zionism as racism, and the establishment of the State of Israel as a disaster.

It's not just about breaking a taboo, but a real blackout.

Ra'am and its Council of Sages in the "Southern Faction", who base their seemingly moderate conduct on the "Khudibiya Agreement", cannot be a legitimate partner to a Zionist government. Abbas himself derives from this historic agreement the religious legitimacy for his political moves.

The agreement in question, we will mention only briefly, is a non-combat agreement from the seventh century, which the Prophet Muhammad signed with the members of the Quraish tribe from Mecca, before he knowingly violated it, attacked the tribe and conquered Mecca.

For many Muslims today, this agreement is synonymous with cunning and legitimate intrigue, which is allowed to be used, when the Muslim side is in an inferior and weakened position - a constraint that justifies the signing of a temporary agreement between the Muslim side and the "infidel" side.

The rogue terrorist Arafat was also hung up on the same agreement when he was required to explain his signing of the Oslo Accords, and Abbas, before the elections, also tied himself to the same maneuver and fraud agreement, after which he explained that "the best way for Ra'am is to cross the borders and enter the fortresses built by the Israeli mechanisms against us ".

Shaked, however - alongside this failure - shows high marks at the executive level, for anyone looking for a true ideological right, which does not shy away from internal or external pressures: as the Minister of Justice, she integrated into the system, without "burning down the club", conservative judges with a world view Leumit. Shaked repelled pressure from the prosecutor's office to sign a document stating that the ombudsman's instructions are binding on the government in any case and under any conditions.

She also introduced into Israeli practice in Yosh a series of guidelines that aided Jewish settlement there. Shaked ended the distorted procedure, according to which the High Courts Department determines the state's position, and subordinated the position of the High Courts Department to the approval of the political echelon (thus,

Shaked played a central role in thwarting the American plan to open a consulate in Jerusalem for the Palestinians.

And when the US ambassador, Tom Naides, called her to convince her to change an internal agreement in the government and reduce the number of construction permits in the Yosh, Shaked informed him that if he didn't step down she would blow up the government, and Naides backed down.

Shaked's two parties

As the Minister of the Interior, Shaked promoted the super-strategic construction plan in Etar in the north of Jerusalem (which Netanyahu froze), and released for construction in Jerusalem two neighborhoods that Netanyahu had blocked - Givat Shaked and the Lower Aqueduct, and this despite severe pressure from the Americans and the left.

She also thwarted, through Bennett, the cultural agreement with the European Union that boycotts the residents of Yosh, and she is also the one who indirectly stands behind the scandalous disqualification of Mazuz's appointment as chairman of the advisory committee for the appointment of senior civil servants.

A disqualification that is a clear product of the change initiated by the composition of the supreme judges.

Shaked's problem at the moment is that in practice she runs (unwillingly) two parties.

One, who in the polls gets about 2.3% and her supporters will unconditionally vote for her and the Jewish Home.

The second, the party "We would vote for Shaked if we were sure that she would pass the threshold", which in the polls brings a similar result.

Shaked and the Jewish Home will be able to pass the percentage of obstruction (3.25%) under three conditions: the first - if they succeed in convincing the public that "we would vote for Shaked if we were sure that...", not to let the polls shape reality and their vote, but to shape the results of the polls themselves and reality.

The second - if Netanyahu lets go of past hatreds, he will stop the "Ayelet does not pass" campaign, and will even help her pass the blocking percentage, as he helped Smotrich in March 2021.

Netanyahu has an opportunity to prove that he is indeed "returning with more tolerance, humility, modesty and openness", as he claimed recently, and that this is not just a tactical statement from the language and to the press.

The time has come for Netanyahu, who harbors an irrational enmity towards Shaked, to put the old personal sediments behind him, and help Shaked to help him save the "block" and bring about the 61st.

And the third condition, Shaked's part in the deal, to allow one more vow: it is not enough to promise to complete for Netanyahu the dilutive pound to 61 mandates.

She must publicly commit that even if the right-wing bloc obtains less than 61 mandates, she will not enter the government again with the left-wing bloc.

Without such a promise, all her regrets are of little value. 

were we wrong

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