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The father of the person injured in the Beit El attack recalls: "A huge miracle, three bullets hit his chair" | Israel today


In a conversation with Israel Hayom, David Nazri, the father of the person injured in the Beit El attack, says: "The feelings are very complex. The instructions given to the soldiers bind them, and we feel it day and night" • Following the attack, the residents of Beit El intend to demonstrate tonight at Focus Square at the entrance to Ramallah

David Nazri, the father of the young man who was injured in the shooting attack in Beit El, recounted in a conversation with "Israel Today" what happened in the family's sukkah on Shabbat evening.

"We were sitting in the sukkah, a normal Shabbat meal like all the people of Israel, and suddenly we heard a bunch of gunshots. We are used to hearing gunshots, but this time it was very close and loud. Suddenly my son bowed his head and shouted 'Aya'. He realized he had grabbed something," said the father Uncle.

Shooting attack in Beit El: the security forces are conducting searches for additional suspects in the shooting

"He didn't lose his temper, bowed his head and his wife's and shouted for us to get out immediately. We looked outside to see what happened, and at first we thought it was a superficial injury. He got a shrapnel or a bullet, it's not clear what, in his cheek, and another shrapnel in his shoulder. It was a miracle Huge, because three bullets hit his chair in the sukkah. The fragment is still in the cheek, it is very close to the nerve, so they decided to wait a few days to see what would happen. We were saved by miracles."

Large IDF forces poured into the settlement, and after medical treatment it was decided to evacuate the injured to the hospital, this is a lesson from the injury of the late IDF soldier Ido Baruch, who died last week after initially it was thought that his condition was minor due to the location of the injury.

"The commander and all the army personnel immediately evacuated him to the hospital for fear that the injury is not what it seems.

There was a soldier who was slightly injured in the 5th and then it turned out that he was in a worse condition and he died.

Therefore, as soon as they saw that there was a gunshot wound, they did not take a risk."

Nazri says that the feelings among the family are very difficult, this is in light of the conduct of the army, apparently due to instructions to open fire. "What is amazing is that there was an ambush of paratroopers with observers for two weeks observing this squad .

They saw them get out of the vehicle, saw the weapons on them and did not receive permission to shoot.

Only after they opened fire did the fighters fire three bullets at them and take down the terrorist.

The other terrorist who was with him took the weapon and entered the car, but they did not shoot him because they did not receive permission to shoot.

This worries me a lot.

"Everyone is silent and silent, it's something that keeps coming back. They built walls and towers here, they put us in ghettos while the terrorists sit in a free space and commit disturbances. The residents sit in the ghettos. The feelings are very complex. The instructions given to the soldiers bind them, and we feel it day and night. The Arabs raise their heads and feel like the owners of the house while tying the hands of the IDF soldiers.

There was a miracle here, but why wait for miracles?".

Despite what happened, David slept in the sukkah last night and he intends to sleep in it tonight as well. "I will put the Israeli flag on the sukkah and sleep in it.

We are people of faith and know that God protects us, not the government."

Following the attack, tonight the residents of Beit Al intend to demonstrate in Focus Square at the entrance to Ramallah.

At the same time, there will be a demonstration at the large Yitzhar intersection in Samaria due to the stone throwing incidents in Hawara last Friday.

In the meantime, the IDF reported that the weapon used in the shooting attack. According to the announcement of the IDF spokesperson, following information that came up in the Shin Bet investigation, IDF soldiers located a short time ago, the weapon that was used by the suspects in the shooting attack on the settlement of Beit El Last night, in which an Israeli citizen was injured.

The weapon was transferred to forensic tests, the investigation of the hazard that was arrested this morning continues.

The location of the weapon that was used in the shooting attack on the settlement of Beit-El:

following information that emerged in the Shin Bet investigation, IDF soldiers located a short time ago, the weapon that was used by the suspects in the shooting attack on the settlement of Beit-El last night, in which an Israeli citizen was injured.

The weapon was transferred for forensic tests, the investigation of the danger that was arrested this morning continues

— Israel Defense Forces (@idfonline) October 15, 2022

Lilac Shuval participated in the preparation of the news

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-10-15

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