The Limited Times

(Expatriate Awsaj) a theatrical performance by the Aleppo Institutes Troupe

11/2/2022, 7:54:15 PM

Homs, SANA- The Institutes of Aleppo troupe presented, as part of the University Theater Festival, a theatrical performance entitled


As part of the University Theater Festival, the Aleppo Institutes troupe presented a theatrical performance entitled “The Alienation of the Awsaj”, written by Ahmed Al-Attar and directed by Ahmed Makarati, at the Culture Palace theater in Homs this evening.

The show, whose characters were embodied by 13 actors and actresses, in addition to a number of dancers, dealt with five stories told by Scheherazade to Prince Shahryar, which are colorful in their content and unite in their goal.

The director of the work, Makarati, explained to SANA reporter that Shahrazad’s tales dealt with the Syrian reality with a simple tale that talked about the problems of young people and the difficulties facing their lives after graduation, in addition to the oppression, bullying and violence that our girls suffer and the emigration of young men. .

Actor Moataz Sejari considered that the different and diverse performances indicate the youth's ability to supply the theatrical artistic movement with new promising talents and blood.

Actor Yazan Turkmani said that the festival provides the opportunity for talented university youth to present their creativity, production and cultural repertoire.

Actress Najat Katbi expressed her happiness with this participation, as she learned in the theater love and cooperation, and that the team should be one hand for the success of any work it does, whether in the theater or otherwise.

Dance coach Wissam Abdo explained the importance of the art of dance in addition to drama if it is employed within the dramatic context and the correct format to be part of the theatrical work and not alien to it.

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