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Joachim Löw: Germany's former national coach - private and family

11/3/2022, 9:36:22 AM

Joachim Löw: Germany's former national coach - private and family Created: 11/03/2022 10:19 am Joachim Löw was the national team coach until 2021. And today? © IMAGO / Chai vd Laage Joachim Löw is one of the most successful national football coaches. But how does the private individual Löw tick? Little known information here. Schönau – On February 3rd, 1960, the Black Forest community welcomed

Joachim Löw: Germany's former national coach - private and family

Created: 11/03/2022 10:19 am

Joachim Löw was the national team coach until 2021.

And today?

© IMAGO / Chai vd Laage

Joachim Löw is one of the most successful national football coaches.

But how does the private individual Löw tick?

Little known information here.

Schönau – On February 3rd, 1960, the Black Forest community welcomed a newcomer to the world – little did they know that he would one day write football history.

As the eldest of four brothers, football was part of his life from an early age, as it was for many boys at the time.

Today (almost) everyone in Germany knows the successful national coach Joachim “Jogi” Löw.

Less well known is the life of the Swabian away from what is happening in world football.

Joachim Löw: curriculum vitae, family and origin

In 1960, the later national coach was born as the first child of the self-employed stove builder Löw and his wife.

Even as a child in the Black Forest, Joachim Löw was an enthusiastic football player and soon drew attention to his talent.

However, the player Löw was not as successful as a coach during his later professional career.

Löw left high school after the 10th grade and then started his desired training as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant, which he successfully completed.

In 1986 he married his childhood sweetheart Daniela.

The marriage remained childless.

The couple announced their split in 2016, but have (officially) remained married and remain on friendly terms.

Despite all the hustle and bustle and media presence, Joachim Löw says he appreciates the relaxed contact with family and friends today, without football playing a role.

Joachim Löw: What is known about him?

At the age of only 44, he began his work with the DFB national team as assistant coach to the then national coach Jürgen Klinsmann.

From 2004 to 2021 (from 2006 as national coach), Joachim Löw gave the national football team a new, modern and successful image.

The ex-national coach always managed the balancing act between respect person and citizen-friendly "neighbor next door".

Nevertheless, Löw is far less known to the public than his sporting achievements.

Some - until now rather unnoticed - interesting points in the life of the Swabian coach:

  • Löw is a hobby mountaineer and, among other things, successfully climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in 2003.

  • His role model as a footballer was Günter Netzer.

  • The city of Freiburg is still his haven of peace and retreat.

  • He enjoys reading biographies and historical novels.

  • The dishes at the favorite Italian restaurant "around the corner" and a good glass of red wine are among the culinary preferences.

    However, his favorite meal is cordon bleu with french fries.

  • Playing soccer with friends is one of the popular downtimes.

  • He likes the music of Udo Jürgens.

  • He loves the cinema and is enthusiastic about films with Karoline Herfurth.

  • In 2016 he received the “Bambi” media prize in the integration category.

  • Joachim Löw loves vintage cars and especially his old Mercedes.

  • In 2014, Löw had to give up his driver's license for a limited period of time because of repeated speed violations.

Joachim Löw: Awards and commitments in the past

“Jogi” Löw repeatedly advocates for social and political issues.

He is vice-chairman of the youth football foundation, which supports social football projects and to which many other former national players such as Jürgen Klinsmann, Andy Köpke and Pierre Littbarski belong.

He was a campaigner for the social project “We help Africa” on the occasion of the 2010 World Cup. The children's charity “Plan International” is a project that is particularly close to his heart.

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He has two godchildren in Ghana, supports an aid project in Rwanda and focuses on girls' soccer projects.

Joachim Löw briefly stepped onto the unfamiliar stage of politics when he took part in the election of the Federal President for Baden-Württemberg's Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in February 2017.

Joachim Löw received numerous awards for his successful career as a coach.

In addition to the Federal Cross of Merit and the Silver Laurel Leaf, the most important appointments include the titles “Football Coach of the Year”, “FIFA World Coach of the Year” and “World National Coach” – especially in the year of the 2014 World Cup.

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