The Limited Times

The anger of the relatives of Jean-François, killed on a pedestrian crossing in Essonne by a driver without a license

11/10/2022, 1:08:52 PM

On September 12, Jean-François, 64, was fatally struck in front of the Wissous stadium by Marcus F. The motorist was sentenced to c

A "dull noise", a "body in the air".

When the players and spectators of the Wissous football stadium (Essonne) rush towards the pedestrian crossing, it is already too late.

On September 12, Jean-François, 64, died hit by the car driven by Marcus F, who was driving without a license.

The shock threw him eleven meters further.

This Wednesday, the driver at fault was sentenced to two years in prison (including one firm and one suspended) by the criminal court of Evry-Courcouronnes for "manslaughter".

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