The Limited Times

The president's spokesman wore a pin that combines the Israeli flag with the pride flag in a meeting with representatives of Noam Israel today

11/10/2022, 4:14:19 PM

Naor Yahya arrived at the meeting with the pin on his lapel • Noam representatives oppose the promotion of the rights of the LGBTQ community and the banner issues of "strengthening traditional family values" • As expected, the faction recommended Benjamin Netanyahu to replace the government

The original protest by the spokesman for the President's House:

Naor Yahya, the spokesman for President Yitzhak Herzog, arrived at a meeting with representatives of the Noam party led by Avi Maoz wearing a pin that combines the Israeli flag with the pride flag.

Maoz and Noam's people arrived at the president's residence in order to give their recommendation for Binyamin Netanyahu to form the next government.

The religious Zionist list to which Noam belonged was a technical union for the needs of the elections, and each of the parties that make it up - the National Union, Otzma Yehudit and Noam - hold coalition negotiations as separate parties.

Avi Maoz, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The Noam party has enshrined on its banner the fight against the granting of equal rights to the LGBT community. According to the party, which advocates "strengthening traditional family values", Israel is under the excessive influence of progressive left-wing bodies such as the New Foundation and various LGBT organizations, which spread their doctrine In the IDF, in the educational institutions, in the government offices and in the media.

The Noam faction, as expected, recommended Benjamin Netanyahu to form the next government.

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