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Latest news from the war in Ukraine on November 13: Kherson is now in the front line after the departure of Russia

11/13/2022, 8:15:53 PM

Kherson is now a city on the front lines of the war in Ukraine after Russian forces withdrew from the region.

They celebrate the liberation of Kherson in Ukraine 3:02

(CNN) -- 

Kherson is now a city on the front lines of the war in Ukraine after Russian forces withdrew from the region west of the Dnipro River.

A CNN crew watched the joyous scenes in the city after the outing.

The Russian departure marks one of the biggest setbacks for Moscow since the beginning of the war.

Kherson was the only regional capital in Ukraine that Russian forces had occupied since the February invasion.

Ukrainian authorities say at least 430 children have died as a result of the invasion and another 1,260 children have been injured.

This is the latest news from the war in Ukraine.

Kherson is now on the front line of the war in Ukraine

Party in the Ukraine: this is how the liberation of Jersón was lived 3:14

CNN's Nic Robertson provided an update from the liberated Ukrainian city of Kherson on Sunday morning.

Robertson and his team witnessed the emotional release on Saturday.


"Kherson is now a frontline city," Robertson said, with Russian forces across the Dnipro River.

This is not the end of the fight against the Russian occupation in the country, he said.

"Last night and into the early hours of this morning gunfire could be heard toward Russian forces," Robertson reported.

“What form the battle may take around here is unknown.

It's a strategic river, I don't think there's any chance of Russian soldiers crossing it," Robertson said.

Ukrainian authorities now have to work to restore electricity, water and basic services, he added.

“There was even a hint a few moments ago of a possible” return of 3G phone services.

There is a curfew from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. local time every day, according to Robertson.

Security problems continue in the city, with a threat from collaborators with the Russians.

Weather conditions are getting harsher, with temperatures below zero at night.

There is no heating in the city.

The Ukrainian authorities have said that those who find it too difficult to live in Kherson can move to other parts of the country;

now they have freedom of movement.

At least 430 children have died as a result of the Russian invasion

  • 361 children killed and more than 700 injured as a result of Russia's war in Ukraine

At least 430 children have died as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and another 1,260 children have been injured, according to Ukraine's prosecutor general.

In a statement on Sunday, the prosecution said it was still working to establish the number of children killed or injured in frontline areas, recently liberated places and parts of Ukraine still occupied by Russian forces.

The eastern Donetsk region, where the fighting has been particularly fierce, has seen the highest number of child casualties.

It is followed by Kharkiv, Kyiv and Mykolaiv, according to the attorney general.

At least 332 schools and educational institutions in Ukraine have been destroyed since February as the war rages on, with another 2,719 damaged.

Russia's Defense Ministry says its forces captured a village in the Donetsk region

Russian troops captured the Mayorsk settlement in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, according to the Russian Defense Ministry's daily report on Sunday.

"As a result of the successful offensive operations of the Russian troops, the village of Mayorsk has been completely liberated in the direction of Donetsk," said Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry.

Fighting has been heavy along the front lines in that eastern region.

Nic Robertson, Kostan Nechyporenko and Katharina Krebs contributed to this report

War in Ukraine Kherson

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