The Limited Times

The World Cup of Shame: The row of disgraces behind the hosting of the World Cup in Qatar - voila! FIFA World Cup

11/14/2022, 3:35:15 PM

The bribery, the breaking of promises, the neglect of tradition, the failure of the stadiums, the disruption of the schedule of the entire football world, the promotion of support for terrorism, the fraud of the exploitation of slaves

Tiktukno: summary of today's events in sports, 10.11 (Sport1)

Imagine that a country wins the tender to host the World Cup through misrepresentation.

It promises to build air-conditioned stadiums with futuristic technology, which will allow games to be held without a problem even when the temperature outside reaches 40 degrees.

She even claims that they could be folded and donated to poor countries in Africa in order to promote football.

It sounds like a utopia, and in the end - after several years - it turns out that it really is a utopia.

This plan has no connection to reality, and is simply canceled.

The country declares that it does not meet the most basic conditions of the center and is unable to hold the World Cup this summer.

What should be done in such a case?

Imagine that one country demands to change the entire agenda of the world and adapt it to its whims.

It is only able to host a World Cup in the winter, and therefore the European leagues are required to organize a break in the middle of the season, and to compress all the games - including the group stage in the Champions League - into unreasonable periods of time which cause the burden on the players to be said, which was very great at the worst.

In the Champions League, the teams are required to play almost every week, and the intervals between important games in both frameworks are three or four days.

Does everyone have to dance to this flute and accept the instructions from above as if there is no other choice?

Everyone dances to their own flute (Photo: Reuters)

Imagine a country with no football tradition insisting on hosting the World Cup.

It has never been able to qualify for a tournament on its own, has never fielded a worthy team at the international level, and the vast majority of fans protesting its borders will have difficulty naming even one footballer from the country - past or present.

It is customary for countries with a significant connection to soccer to host the major tournaments, and it has never happened before that a country that did not play in the World Cup received the right to host it (if you do not count, naturally and logically, the first two World Cups, which were held in any case in a completely different era).

It's not accidental.

This has meaning, and it affects the atmosphere that the participants and fans breathe.

Imagine a very small country that insists on hosting the World Cup alone.

It builds a lot of stadiums on a small area that will by definition become white elephants after the tournament is over.

It does not have enough space to host the fans who might want to come under normal conditions with a normal host, so the prices in the hotels are higher, and in any case there are not enough spaces to create the spontaneous World Cup celebration.

Imagine a country that is suspected of having bribed all the decision-makers in order to win the hosting of the World Cup, that gave huge financial benefits not only to corrupt FIFA officials, but even helped heads of state. Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter recently claimed that the then French president, Nicolas Sarkozy , exerted all his weight in order to award the World Cup to a country that, in return, pledged to purchase fighter jets from France.

Along the way, Sarkozy personally took care of closing the deal that transferred the most important club in France, Paris Saint-Germain, to the regime hosting the World Cup.

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Corruption reached as high as possible.

Sarkozy (Photo: Reuters)

Imagine a dictatorial regime that supports terrorism and tramples on human rights, which tries to promote its public relations around the world by hosting the World Cup.

He promises that he will be happy to welcome all the fans, but before the start of the tournament publishes a list of strict rules designed to "respect the local way of life".

Among other things, it is forbidden to show affection in public, and it is even more forbidden to externalize homosexual relationships.

When LGBT organizations announce their willingness to boycott the World Cup, state officials respond that they view it favorably, that "there will be a clean tournament without deviants." The ambassador who is supposed to promote the World Cup around the world claimed only recently that homosexuality is a "mental illness ".

Imagine a country that uses slaves to build the stadiums and facilities to host the World Cup.

She has unlimited financial resources, and she is ready to transfer 10 million euros to David Beckham in order to recruit his handsome face for the billboards, but she is not interested in giving adequate wages to the people involved in her construction, and the working conditions they were given were also inhumane.

According to investigations carried out by various parties, including the Guardian newspaper and the Norwegian magazine Zosimer, workers from various countries in Africa and Asia, such as India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Uganda, Sudan, Ghana and Kenya, were placed in labor camps in the full sense of the word.

They were lured with generous promises, required to pay for their own flights and entry visas, and then became slaves without rights.

Many thousands of them died during the construction of the stadiums, others became disabled, fell ill or lost their sanity.

Those who survived were evicted from their residences at the end of the projects, in order to upgrade them and become residences for the fans who were supposed to come to the tournament itself.

Labor camps in the full sense of the word (Photo: Reuters)

Each of these clauses should result in the immediate disqualification of the right to host the World Cup.

Just imagine that there is one country that meets all the definitions in question - and yet the World Cup is held there, and everyone tries to pretend that this is how it really should be.

Qatar bribed hundreds of officials and heads of state to accept the hosting, promised to meet the conditions of the tender and lied, accepted the tournament despite having no minimal football heritage and despite its size not suitable for hosting this type of event, forced the whole world to adapt the schedule to its climate and destroyed the accepted schedules , continued to be a dictatorial regime that supports terrorism and violates human rights, continued to claim that homosexuals are deviant, deported fans who are unable and unwilling to come to this type of country, and built stadiums that would become white elephants by exploiting slaves who were brought to the country fraudulently, lived in disgraceful conditions - and many of them even found the their death

Something has to be really wrong in our world for something like this to exist.

Something has to be really wrong for the seemingly pinnacle event in the world's most beloved and popular sport to reach such a moral low.

Something is really rotten here.

On the other hand, this is not a surprise.

Our world is really rotten, and everyone knows it.

The World Cup in Qatar is just a mirror in which you can easily see how much.

  • FIFA World Cup


  • World Cup 2022

  • Qatar 2022

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