The Limited Times

Opinion The young people in Iran are showing courage and Israel must not jeopardize the success of the protest Israel today

11/21/2022, 9:30:43 PM

In his remarks, the head of the AMN revealed that Iran had already accumulated enough enriched material to produce four nuclear bombs. Along with the successful military intelligence, the state systems failed to predict deep social processes in the countries in the region. The climax of the protest was when the players of the Iranian national team refused to sing the words of the national anthem in their World Cup game.

Most of the words of the head of the Amman, Major General Aharon Haliva, are familiar: Iran's slow progress on the enrichment track while constantly examining the West's containment threshold, including the constant questioning whether to raise the enrichment threshold to a military level of 90 percent, while continuing the constant game of returning/ not to return to the nuclear agreement.

However, there were also some innovations in them: from the fact that Iran has already accumulated enough enriched material to allow it to produce four nuclear bombs, to its intention to carry out a terrorist attack in Britain and America.

His words were some innovations.

Head of Amn Haloya, photo: Gideon Markovich

Haliva also hinted, once again, at the possibility of a future Israeli attack on Iran, when he said that Chief of Staff Kochavi's current visit to Washington is critical for coordinating positions in this context. However, it seems that the parallel of his words - "hold us tight", or more precisely: come For a better nuclear agreement that would limit Iran - there were some of the same. The entire political-security elite of Israel has been voicing them for some time, with only limited success.

Along with dealing with these burning issues, the conversation with his predecessor in the position, Major General (Ret.) Tamir Hyman, currently the Director General of the Institute for National Security Studies, allowed Haliva to present his assessments regarding the wave of protests that is now plaguing Iran. Although Israeli intelligence has not excelled in recent decades in predicting processes social depth in the region, including in Iran, but listening to what is being said shows that AMAN has taken the right direction this time: both in its sober assessment of the internal situation in Iran, and in its cautious approach to the situation.

His words allowed the head of AMN to present his edits. Tamir Hyman, photo: Yossi Zeliger

In this context, it was interesting to hear the definition given by AMN to the protest in Iran - "civil riots" - which is expressed both in the number of dead and arrested, and in the damage to government symbols. It is evident that the government in Tehran is indeed disturbed by these actions, which have been going on for more than two months. However, it seems that at this stage The current ones have no real threat to the government in Tehran, which in the meantime refuses to blink despite the image damage it suffers almost every day.

Yesterday, one of the peaks of these damages was recorded, when the players of the national team of Iran refused to sing the words of the national anthem in their match against the England team in the World Cup in Qatar.

This is a brave act of social leaders that was taken in the most watched event in the world - which was also broadcast live in Iran itself - and knowing that they might be harmed by the act (certainly after they were defeated 2:6 in the game itself).

One can learn from him that something in the fear barrier of the young people in Iran has been broken, but as mentioned - it seems that the road to overthrowing the Ayatollah's rule is still long.

One of the highlights of the protest, the Iranian players are silent during the playing of their national anthem,

In Israel, they want to portray the Iranian regime as a threat to world governance from a security point of view.

Nuclear, terrorism, arming the bad countries - all these are the tools in the blue and white propaganda arsenal.

But it seems that the main campaign now against Iran is not a security one, but rather a social one, in which Israel should not interfere openly, so as not to create a negative vector for the protesters and endanger their hoped-for success.

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