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Opinion Terrorism is here to stay Israel today


The status quo can be changed by annexing the territory. It can be assumed that most Palestinians will resist, but will hurry to integrate into the life systems in Israel - education, health, welfare and work

In Yosh, an attack follows an attack. The security forces are indeed successful in thwarting many of the attempted attacks, and fortunately many other attacks end without casualties. But in the toxic atmosphere of terrorism that prevails in Palestinian society - an atmosphere of backing and supporting terrorism - the next attack is a matter of time, as it became clear in Ariel Last week, a terrorist killed three Israelis and wounded three others.

The attacks are only the tip of an iceberg of acts of violence and terrorism: here throwing stones and blocking roads, and there shooting at Israeli settlements.

Most of these events do not make the headlines at all, but they have the potential to make Iosh a danger zone for the Israelis who live there.

A reality of continuous violence, even if in low flames, is a hotbed that encourages and even produces the next terrorists, and also harms those Palestinians who seek to live a routine life free of violence, and pushes them to join the circle of terror.

In such a reality, one can understand the calls for a close call, or even for a comprehensive military operation that will try to fundamentally change the reality on the ground.

But such calls, which express frustration as well as fatigue, ask for a specific response, often operational, to the challenge concerning the meaning and essence of our existence and our lives here in this country, a challenge that has accompanied the Zionist story from its beginning.

Indeed, terrorism must be fought, and the waves of terrorism can be suppressed.

But it must be recognized that Arab terrorism is here to stay.

After all, the Jewish hold on the land and the settlement in it were accompanied from their inception, even before the establishment of the state, by a bloody struggle, which was basically opposition to the Jewish presence and lack of acceptance with it, and later also with the existence of a Jewish state on the land of Israel.

A heavy hand accompanied by strong military moves, or on the other hand - an attempt to buy the heart of the local population with economic and other benefits - can indeed suppress the waves of violence and ensure peace for a while.

But in the end, as history shows, terrorism will rear its head again.

The truth is that as long as the status quo in Israel remains unchanged - that is, a reality in which the official and declared policy of the State of Israel regarding the future of the region is an ambiguous policy - there will be no real possibility of fundamentally changing the reality on the ground, and this means a continuation of the waves of terrorism, even if the intensity varies.

The status quo has important advantages, as it enables the continuation of the momentum of Jewish settlement in Iosh without confronting the international community, and first and foremost with the USA, and also without provoking an internal debate in Israel.

In such a reality, it is also possible to add the help of the Palestinian Authority, despite its weakness, and assign it the task of maintaining the territory.

But the status quo also has a price, which is manifested in the difficulty of dealing with the waves of violence and terrorism that are fueled by the hope of eventually getting rid of the Jewish community, as happened in Gaza, for example.

The status quo can be changed, for example, by annexing the territory to the State of Israel.

It can be assumed that the majority of the Palestinians will raise an outcry, but will hurry to integrate into the life systems in Israel - education, health, welfare and work.

But on the realistic assumption that the State of Israel is not interested in, and may not be able to, fundamentally change the situation - all that is left for us, as in the years before the establishment of the state, is to continue to build and work, house after house and acre after acre, to pay the price that clinging to the land requires of us, and at the end of In other words, over the years - the facts on the ground will create a new reality.

After all, terrorism does not build - but destroys.

He seeks to destroy the Zionist enterprise, but along the way he destroys Palestinian society from within, the fabric of life, the economy and the economy, and of course - poisons the souls of its young people.

In the fight against terrorism, which is nothing more than a pillar in the fight for the country, there are no shortcuts, and the important thing is that we are winning in this fight.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-11-20

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