The Limited Times

A man and a woman in their twenties injured by bullets in Marseille

12/24/2022, 9:00:51 PM

A man and a woman in their twenties were shot and wounded on Saturday evening in the 14th arrondissement of Marseille, "near"...

A man and a woman in their twenties were shot and wounded on Saturday evening in the 14th arrondissement of Marseille, "


" the place where a 22-year-old man was killed the day before, the newspaper said. AFP a police source.

Both victims were hospitalized.

The vital prognosis of the man is engaged, indicated the police source.

The facts occurred at 7:30 p.m. in the Cité Campagne Larousse in the 14th arrondissement in the north of the city.

Three hooded people fled after the shots, added the same source, adding that the scene is "


" the HLM Méditerranée where the day before a 22-year-old man was shot dead.

The judicial police have been seized of the investigation.

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