The Limited Times

Cranka Time: These are the goals of the Maccabi Tel Aviv coach Israel today

1/8/2023, 7:36:52 AM

The Spaniard was not excited by the victory over Ashdod and is expected to change the formation, but it is not certain that this will happen against Beitar • A winger will arrive and also the option of a right defender on the table • Van Over and Bitton are on the way out, fear of injury to Davidzadeh

Maccabi Tel Aviv's new coach, Aitor Karanka, was not too enthusiastic about his team's 0:3 victory over MS Ashdod.

The Spaniard didn't like the pressure his players put on, wants the defense to play more densely, but he's obviously happy that he can work on things after a win.

Karanka wants to switch to a new system of play - 4:2:3:1, as he believes in it, but claimed that in the near term he does not want to make too big changes, and in light of this, it is possible that even in the game against Beitar Jerusalem he will continue to play in the formation that the Yellows are used to To him from the days of Ivitch.

The Spanish coach wants to strengthen himself with another winger, when the option of joining a right defender instead of Andre Geraldes is still on the agenda.

Joris Van Over and Dan Beaton, although yesterday included in the squad, will probably not continue or be loaned out.

Maccabi is concerned about the injury of defender Ofir Davidzadeh, who was injured yesterday during the game.

Davidzadeh will undergo a series of tests and if it is found that he suffers from an injury to the lateral ligament or the meniscus, it is an absence of several weeks.

Midfielder Gabi Kanikovski commented on the work with the new coach and said: "In the two days we had with Karanka, he seems to be different in his approach than Ivic, but that doesn't mean anything going forward. It's always difficult when a coach leaves, but in football you can't take things to heart right away, because today you're here and tomorrow Elsewhere"

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