The Limited Times

Ecuador: first searches in a vast corruption scandal

1/20/2023, 9:18:58 PM

Ecuadorian justice announced that it had carried out several searches on Friday as part of its investigation into a system of corruption within...

Ecuadorian justice announced that it had carried out several searches on Friday as part of its investigation into a system of corruption within the government involving a brother-in-law of President Guillermo Lasso.

The Attorney General said on Twitter that he "

conducted an operation during which eight simultaneous raids were carried out in Guayaquil (large port in the west of the country) and one in Quito, at the homes of people subject to investigation for an alleged system of corruption in public companies


No corruption according to the government

This press release did not specify the identity of the persons concerned.

In the wake of this announcement, the government denied the existence of a system of corruption within it.


There is no conspiracy or criminal structure within the government

," assured the Minister of Government Affairs, Francisco Jimenez, during a press conference at the headquarters of the presidency.

Let them investigate what it takes, he added.

According to the prosecutor's office, during the searches "

various pieces of evidence were seized, such as documents, storage devices, cell phones, computers and jewelry


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After the revelations of an online media, La Posta, on a vast system of corruption at the head of the public companies of the country, the justice opened an investigation into "

presumed irregularities in the appointments and/or hirings in the companies of the electricity sector

", explained President Lasso, who is currently traveling in Europe.

The case involves a brother-in-law of the president who is not part of the government, Danilo Carrera, and Hernan Luque, former presidential delegate to the board of directors of EMCO, the state body that oversees all companies in the public sector, particularly those in the strategic oil and electricity sectors.


A former official who has been indicted does not in any way represent a government

," defended Minister Jimenez, referring to Hernan Luque, in Argentina since January 9, according to the government.

The home of the president's brother-in-law, banker, former civil servant and member of the Ecuadorian Olympic Committee, "

is not included

" in the searches carried out on Friday, he said.

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Following the revelation of the scandal by La Posta, President Lasso demanded the resignation of the leaders of all public companies, and the participation of his anti-corruption secretariat on the boards of directors of these same companies.

The image of the right-wing government of Guillermo Lasso, already considered bad or very bad by 80% of people questioned in December by a private polling institute, has been further weakened by this scandal.

President Lasso does not have a majority in the unicameral parliament, which is dominated by an opposition that is however divided.

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