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State Comptroller's Report: The plan to move IDF camps to the south is delayed - and affects the housing crisis | Israel today

2/28/2023, 6:40:39 PM

According to the report, there is a six-year delay in the eviction mainly due to the dispute between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense.

Comptroller of the State Mattanahu Engelman published today (Wednesday) a comprehensive report on the marketing and relocation of camps, Shoham 3. This is a strategic national plan within the framework of which the Israeli Defense Forces and the Israel Land Authority (Israel Land Authority) are working to relocate IDF camps. from areas of demand for the purpose of marketing the land in the evacuee camps, thus increasing the supply of housing units (units) in the center of the country by 69,185 units.

The plan includes the evacuation of six main camps: Sde Dov, Tserifin, Tel Hashomer, Sirkin, Ganim and Tira, to receiving camps in the south of the country.

Initially the schedule for completing the program was January 2023;

In practice, as of the end of the audit, this date has been postponed by almost six months - to November 2028.

Delay in the evacuation of the Tsaripin camp, photo: Diana Hananshuvili, Ministry of Defense

With regard to this extensive plan, the auditor notes that as of the end of the audit, the security system had vacated approximately 65% ​​of the total land that was supposed to be vacated, and of the approximately 69,185 units that are planned to be built on the lands of the vacated camps, 11,404 units (approximately 16.5%) were sold and The construction procedure of 6,855 units (about 10% of all units in the program; and about 60% of the units sold).

The delays in evacuating the camps, between nine months and seven years, were mainly due to disputes in the Ministry of Finance, personnel gaps in the administration of the transition to the south, the lengthening of the decision-making processes in the security system regarding the manner of managing the project, the setting of schedules that did not correspond to the situation on the ground, and many changes that the IDF requested to apply to the projects.

The delays affect the housing crisis

The delays affect the national-strategic aspect of the issue of the housing crisis by delaying the marketing of approximately 15,929 to 22,680 units, most of which are in the center of the country. It should also be noted that according to Rami, in some of the complexes there are various barriers to the marketing of the land, such as the need to treat the land and to renovate it, various planning conditions and the inability of local authorities to withstand the marketing of a large number of units.

Sde Dov after the evacuation, photo: Liron Moldovan

Another point raised by the auditor is the determination of the profits that will be from the sale of the land and building apartments on it.

According to the RMI, the profits are estimated at NIS 40 billion, however, none of the calculations on which the RMI based this determination was found, and it is not clear how it was obtained at all. Also, no source was found for the statement that the Ministry of Defense will receive NIS 18.4 billion for the lands out of Rami's profits on the land.

Another problem stated in the report is that some of the transportation solutions for the new IDF camps in the south, a train station and the construction of a new interchange there, are currently frozen and not promoted on the ground.

No future summary

Beyond that, the report notes that as of the end of the audit, RMI, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance have not agreed on which camps and compounds will be evacuated as part of future evacuation plans.

The evacuation of these camps and complexes is expected to allow the construction of at least 30,694 units; of at least 100 units for hotels; and of approximately 1,765 dunams for commerce and employment. In addition, the evacuation will allow the removal of planning restrictions that will promote civil planning and improved urban and infrastructural development, among other things in terms of accessibility to transportation routes , in the establishment of a light rail line (the brown line) and the expansion of green areas.

The Kirya base in Tel Aviv (archive), photo: Gideon Markovich

The camps that have the potential to be evacuated in the future are the four parts of the camps that remained in Zerifin as "islands" after the implementation of Shoham 3, as well as other camps: the Masha'ot, Camp 80, a unit of the Home Front Command, the military colleges, Camp Tira Gamim, a unit of the ZI and the Kirya in Tel Aviv.

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