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The State Comptroller's report states: the infrastructure in the training camps and outposts of the IDF is in poor condition | Israel today

2/28/2023, 2:17:13 PM

In approximately 37% of the inspected areas, improper or defective infrastructure was found • According to the survey conducted by the State Comptroller, the rate of partially satisfied and dissatisfied with the state of the trust camps ranges from 29 to 40 percent

Despite the importance of adequate living conditions and infrastructure - in training camps, training camps and outposts, soldiers in mandatory service and reserves encounter infrastructure that is in medium or even poor condition.

This is according to the State Comptroller's report that was allowed to be published today (Wednesday). According to the report, this is reflected in the shaky infrastructure in the residences, toilets, showers, dining rooms and kitchens.

The issue of the soldiers' living conditions has made quite a few headlines in the past year.

Up until now, these were specific complaints from servicemen from a variety of bases throughout the country, but now, the hard feelings of the servicemen can also be seen in a survey conducted by the State Comptroller as part of the audit he conducted among 821 men and women soldiers in mandatory service, who were during the months of November 2021 to April 2022 in operational employment and training .

The State Comptroller stated in the report that he is publishing today that according to the army's data, about 19% of the infrastructure competency scores in the training camps reflect a poor or average condition of competency, but from the tours of the State Comptroller's personnel in the training camps it emerged that approximately 37% of the inspected areas were found to have substandard infrastructure or Deficiencies.

As for the training camps, according to IDF data, the rate of competency scores reflecting a medium and poor condition ranges from 5 to 33 percent, while according to the survey conducted by the State Comptroller, the rate of partially satisfied and dissatisfied with the condition of the training camps ranges from 29 to 40 percent. Yes, according to army data, the rate of competency scores reflecting a very good situation in the training camps ranges from 40 to 79 percent, while according to a survey by the State Comptroller's Office, the rate of very satisfied fighters ranges from 18 to 28 percent.

Improper kitchen at the school of infantry professions, photo: photos from tours of representatives of the State Comptroller's office in training camps and training camps

As for the outposts, according to IDF data, 3 to 12 percent of the infrastructure competency scores at the outposts in the three commands reflect a poor to moderate condition, while according to a survey by the State Comptroller's Office, 31 to 36 percent of the soldiers are very dissatisfied or partially satisfied with the infrastructure of the residences, services, The showers and dining rooms in the outposts.

The budget for improving the conditions was reduced

In the auditor's report, the auditor stated that the "Oz for the soldier" program and "training camps" were intended to improve the living conditions and infrastructure of the fighters in the training camps and training camps. The actual budget allocated for this was 492.6 million shekels and was smaller in the years 2016 to 2011 by about 27% compared to the plan, which was NIS 676 million. As a result, the land arm did not implement some of the plans it planned in this area.

The auditor also found that in the IDF Technology and Logistics Division (ATL) there is no procedure for determining the qualification scores of the living conditions and infrastructure in the IDF camps, and in practice the qualification scores of the living conditions and infrastructure in the training camps, training camps and outposts are not based on defined standards, Uniform criteria or a fixed formula, but based on the experience and subjective opinion of the logistics people.

Fungus, scale and mold

Of all the defects found in the kitchens, two main defects stood out - leaking or standing water (54% of the inspection), and missing tiles on the floor (37% of the inspection).

Of all the defects found in the residences, toilets and showers, three main defects stood out: the absence of nets or windows in the residences (36% of reviews);

fungus, scale or mold in toilets and showers (35% of reviews);

Improper toilet in the bathroom (32% of reviews).

According to the auditor, "these deficiencies harm the living conditions of the fighters and may even harm their health. For example, leaks and stagnant water pose a danger to the development of bacteria and hazards that may be splashed onto the food. Not only that, mold and fungus on the walls and ceiling harm the quality of the air that the fighters breathe and may cause infections and the development diseases".

Improper shower at the armory school,

The auditor pointed out, rightly, that decent and respectful living conditions affect, among other things, the readiness and motivation of soldiers in mandatory service and in the reserves to serve in the IDF. In addition, the infrastructure of the residences, toilets and showers, dining rooms and kitchens has an effect on the effectiveness of training, training and operational employment tasks of the warriors.

It is important to note that the IDF is aware of the situation, and the head of the ATL, Major General Michel Janko, is handling it personally.

The audit ended in 2021, but the auditor also notes in the report that in 2022 and 2023 the IDF will continue the "Oz for the Soldier" program and "training camps" with a budget of NIS 65 million for each of the programs.

In addition, the IDF planned three additional programs to improve the living conditions and infrastructure of the soldiers, among them the "contact line" program to improve the efficiency of the infrastructure in the outposts. This program is planned for implementation in the years 2022 to 2023 with a budget of 42 million NIS;

The "Kitchen Revolution" program which aims to improve the experience of diners in the IDF, and a central part of which is the upgrading of the infrastructure in the canteens in the outposts, in the training camps and in the training camps. This program was planned for implementation in 2022 with a budget of approximately 37 million NIS;

The "Flip in the Borders" program, within the framework of which a response to the gaps in the field of the talaq in certain outposts in the Central Command and the Southern Command is also planned.

Internships in the middleman base in the south (archive),

An IDF spokesperson stated: "The IDF considers it very important to improve the service experience of IDF soldiers, and this year has placed an emphasis on improving the various IDF facilities and infrastructures. For your benefit, a dedicated budget has been allocated to improve the conditions in the IDF camps, in the meantime Improving the infrastructure in the outposts and renovating the dining rooms in the IDF as a whole, with an emphasis on the combat formation. Further to this, in February 2023, the "base smart" application will be inaugurated, which allows soldiers to report construction and infrastructure faults at the base in a controlled and fast manner while receiving an effective response. As for the service conditions of the female fighters, the IDF "L" is working to take care of the infrastructure in accordance with the increase in the number of combatants in recent years.

The IDF will continue to work to improve the service experience, including the infrastructure response as part of budget planning."

The level of competence of the reserve armor system was not presented to the government

Another chapter in the State Comptroller's report that was published today deals with aspects of the strength building of the armored formation. In "Israel Hayom" a few months ago we exposed serious deficiencies in the corps' competence, but the State Comptroller chose not to publish the report in its entirety but only parts of it, "for the sake of safeguarding on the security of the state" in accordance with section 17 of the State Comptroller's Law.

What was allowed to be published is that during the year 2020 the plan to determine the scope of the IDF tank fleet began to be implemented without the Minister of Defense presenting it in advance to the Ministerial Committee for National Security Affairs so that it would examine the need for it, and not in accordance with the law and the summary of the Prime Minister's discussion from January 2020. More The auditor found that although the reserve service law requires the minister of defense to present the level of competence of the reserve system to the government once a year, from 2016 to 2022 the government was not presented with the level of competence of the reserve armor system.

Armored Corps (archive),

In summing up the part that was allowed to be published, the auditor stated that "the IDF retrospectively presented to the government the determination regarding the scope of the tanks" and that "for six years, in the years 2016 to 2022, the defense ministers did not present to the government the status of the reserve formation, including the status of the armor formation in reserve".

Regarding this, the IDF spokesperson stated that "in December 2021,

the IDF reserve budget was presented to the Minister of Defense, after it was approved and promoted by the Chief of Staff, and then it was presented to the Ministerial Reserve Committee that was established and convened for the first time after 4 years in January 2022, and in All the issues were presented, including the strengthening of the compensation for the reserve officers. The issue of readiness and plans for the reserve system were presented several times as part of the cabinet discussions and in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. However, the Minister of Defense will make sure that a comprehensive presentation is made to the government and a report is made as required every year, in accordance with what was customary in the past, in the Committee of Ministers and in the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee." 

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