The Limited Times

The ombudsman authorized the police to investigate MK Fogel on suspicion of inciting terrorism Israel today

3/1/2023, 9:53:15 AM

Gali Beharve-Miara confirmed the opening of an investigation against the member of Knesset from Otzma Yehudit for his statements regarding the Havara events that took place this week • Minister Ben Gabir: "This is the same prosecutor who defends Ayman Odeh who calls for harming the police, one law for the right and one law for the left"

The ombudsman, Gal Beharev-Miara, today (Wednesday) authorized the police to investigate MK Tzvika Fogel on suspicion of inciting terrorism, this after his harsh statement in the face of disturbances in Hawara: "Yesterday, a terrorist came out of Hawara - Hawara closed and burned. This is what I want to see." .

Minister Ben Gabir attacked the ombudsman's decision: "The same ombudswoman who defends Ayman Odeh who attacked me, Ofer Kasif who attacked policemen, Ron Huldai who said he called for blood in the streets, Ehud Barak who called for Mary Tziri, Ehud Olmert who called for a "face-to-face fight" , Dan Halutz who called for the refusal of an order and other calls for rebellion, the same prosecutor rushes to investigate a member of the Knesset who clarified unequivocally that he meant for the IDF to do the work and not for civilians to take the law into their own hands, and that he is not in favor of harming all Arabs, but only those who support terrorism. One law for the right and absolutely one law for the left and clear proof of the necessity of the reform."

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