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About 80 Dovedvan veterans: "The legal revolution will harm democracy - stop the legislation" - voila! news

3/2/2023, 2:47:30 PM

Dozens of former soldiers and officers of the special unit signed a letter, in which they warned that the legislation of the legal revolution is "one-sided and without broad agreement", and even "divides Israeli society and violates the delicate balance between the authorities by weakening the judicial system." They called for "building a broad consensus"

Demonstrations against the legal revolution throughout the country (Avi Rokah, Karin Sagi)

About 80 veteran soldiers and officers called for a halt to the legislation of the legal revolution and for the formation of a "broad consensus" - according to a letter published today (Thursday), which was signed by former commanders of the special unit, among others.

The veterans of the unit opened and wrote that they "served Israel with great sacrifice, in times of war and in times of peace, regardless of our political views."

They then warned that the legislation is "one-sided and without broad consensus, divides Israeli society and violates the delicate balance between the authorities in Israel by weakening the judicial system... the legislation will cause serious damage to Israeli democracy", they stated.

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"Coming out of the shadows".

Cherry fighters (photo: IDF spokesman)

The former fighters explained the step they took, "We decided to come out of the shadows, make our voices heard and hereby call on the government and the coalition to stop the legislative moves and forge a broad consensus. We will not agree to damage Israeli democracy", they concluded.

Finally, we noted that the signatories did so on their own accord, and do not represent the Dovdvan unit for generations or any other organization.

Last night the graduates of Unit 9900 in the Intelligence Corps sent a letter this evening to the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff and the head of the Intelligence Division in which they wrote that they would not serve in the reserves due to "the predatory legislative processes that the government is promoting these days, chief among them, the attempts to eliminate the existing balance between the authorities." The members of the unit called for a halt The legislation "and then, having an in-depth and professional discussion which will lead to a broad agreement and a significant consensus regarding such fundamental changes in the form of government of our beloved country".

They join reservists from various units, including pilots, unit 8200, the special operations array and elite units in the land arm who published similar letters.

Among other things, some of the letters state that they will refuse to go to reserve service if the government advances the changes in the justice system and harms democracy.

Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi expressed concern in closed conversations that if the IDF engages in political debate, this will harm the percentages of showing up for reserve service for training and operational activity, and in the long run will affect the motivation of the youth to enlist in the IDF.

  • news

  • Political-political


  • The legal revolution

  • cherry

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