The Limited Times

The "hate wedding": the district accepted the state's appeal and convicted the minors - except for one Israel today

3/2/2023, 1:46:51 PM

Eight years after the "hate wedding" in which participants celebrated the death of members of the Devabsha family - the case is still ongoing • The District Court accepted the state's appeal for the acquittal of the five minors who participated in the wedding and decided to convict all but one

The "Hate Wedding" case: The District Court in Jerusalem accepted the state's appeal against the verdict of the Jerusalem Youth Court

. After the Court of Justice acquitted the five defendants of the crime of incitement to violence, the district upheld one acquittal, while reversing the decision and convicting all the rest.

It will be mentioned that in the past most of the adult defendants in the wedding that grabbed headlines were convicted on charges of incitement.

According to the original indictment, the wedding took place in 2015, and was attended by hundreds of guests.

Some of them were acquaintances of the suspects who were arrested for the terrorist incident against members of the Devabsha family that happened several months earlier.

At the wedding, while singing and dancing, some of the celebrants waved signs on which the pictures of the members of the Davabsha family were pasted and stabbed them with knives and burned them with Molotov cocktails.

In addition, they waved "revenge" signs and weapons. 

The "Honno" organization said in response: "Arabs who distribute candy after terrorist attacks walk around freely - and Jewish children are convicted of pranks. The court has regressed us as a society to a situation where children who did a stupid prank at a private wedding are prosecuted and convicted at the end of a lengthy legal process, while thousands who distribute candy after Attacks and celebrating in mosques when Jews are murdered - they roam freely among us."

Attorney Moshe Polski from the Honnu organization who represented the case said, "Contrary to the reasoned verdict of the lower court who heard the law himself and was impressed by the predatory enforcement activities that were taken against the defendants only because of the sector to which they belong, the district court made an easy life for itself and decided to convict most of the minors without entering to the intricacies of the case only due to their sectoral affiliation.

This ruling illustrates once again how much structural reform is needed in the entire legal system.

The court adopted the prosecution's thesis, even though the lower court completely rejected it."

Attorney Avraham Cohen, who represented the minor who was acquitted in the hate wedding case on behalf of the public defender's office: "The court accepted the minor's claims that he did not have the mental basis to carry out the transfer of incitement to violence.

We welcome the decision, at the same time the continuation of the legal process for over seven years has severely damaged the minor and his routine, including the IDF's refusal to recruit him."

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