The Limited Times

The dilemma on the table: Deri's law or the cancellation of the reason for reasonableness Israel today

3/3/2023, 5:11:06 AM

The amendment to the law in favor of the chairman of Shas included the cancellation of the reason for reasonableness in appointments • The new option: support the amendment - and the deletion of the relevant law from the reform • It is Deri who is pushing for this, despite the position of the prosecutor and the low chance at the High Court

Shas is exerting pressure on the coalition factions and the Likud in order to advance the amendment to the law that will enable the return of the party's chairman, Aryeh Deri, to the government table as soon as possible - and not without reason: "Deri's Law 2" includes a kind of cancellation of reasonable grounds, and in any case the chance of the law's enactment That deals with this in the Levin reform is low, due to the tight schedule until the end of the winter session of the Knesset.

The one behind the scenes pushing the amendment to the basic law: the government is no different than himself - despite the warning of his fellow members of the government that the possibility that the law will be approved, or alternatively allow it to indeed return to the government's table, is very low.

According to the estimates of senior officials in the coalition, this is a struggle designed to show that Deri is doing everything in his power to return to the government table.

"There is a high probability that the law will be invalidated by the High Court." Legal Adviser to the Government, Photo: Herzi Shapira

Despite the warning of Speaker Gali Beharev Miara about "a high probability that the law will be invalidated by the High Court", the special committee headed by MK Ofir Katz met yesterday for the first time to discuss the law ahead of its first reading.

The law, the preparation of which is expected to be completed by the beginning of April, the date of the end of the winter session, is intended to clarify that the High Court "is not authorized to hold a judicial review of the appointments of ministers and their identity for any reason, except for the eligibility conditions established by the constituent."

reasonable cause for cancellation

The Knesset is also in no hurry to express support for the Deri law, among other things due to the duplication created with the law on the elimination of the probable cause within the framework of the legal reform.

According to Knesset officials, the Knesset's legal advice is afraid that it is not possible to maintain a reasonable legislative procedure in the law to cancel the reason for reasonableness within the schedule allotted for the legislative debates.

Therefore, one of the options that may come up on the coalition's table is actually support for the Deri law, which includes a kind of cancellation of reasonable cause in the field of appointments, and shelving under it the law canceling the reasonable cause.

Senior officials in the coalition claim that this is the most likely option, and in fact admit for the first time that the law to cancel the reason for reasonableness is not expected to come up for discussion in the Knesset as part of the compromise process.

His appointment is pending.

Ben Gabir, photography: Yoav Dudkevich

It should be noted that the legislation regarding the appointment of ministers will not only affect the situation of Deri, who in the meantime manages the affairs of his ministries away from the government table, but also and perhaps especially the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabir, whose appointment is pending before the Supreme Court.

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