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The security system is troubled by the threat of nationalist crime: "The fear of arson continues to hover in the air" - voila! news

3/3/2023, 7:23:02 AM

The order to close the shops in Hawara is expected to end this evening, and according to military officials, the commander of the Central Command does not intend to extend it. In the meantime, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Army will visit Israel.

During clashes between Jews and Arabs in Hawara - a house of a Palestinian family was set on fire (Shlomi Heller)

A military official said this morning (Friday) that "the threat of nationalist crime and the fear of arson continue to hover in the air."

This, against the background of the end of the order to close the shops in the Hawara village area, this evening at 20:00.

According to military officials, the commander of the Central Command does not intend to extend it.

In the meantime, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Army, Mark Milley, will arrive in Israel today and meet with Chief of Staff Hartzi Halevi, Mossad head Dedi Barnea and Defense Minister Yoav Galant.

On the agenda are regional issues, including Iran.

Security officials claim that the Americans are very disturbed by the escalation in Judea and Samaria, and will try to promote calming measures.

A security source said that this is not a surprise visit, but rather a preparation for the visit of the American Defense Minister, who is also expected to arrive in Israel.

The damage of the riots in Hawara village.

Earlier this week (photo: Avi Rokah)

Yesterday, a security official referred to the administrative arrest warrant issued against the two settlers who were released from police custody.

"The two settlers are a factor destabilizing the situation on the ground. A ticking bomb. The orders were issued after the recommendation of security officials," he said.

Prior to that, Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabir came out against Minister Galant's decision to issue the arrest warrant against the two.

"An anti-democratic decision, bypassing the court in an unusual and serious procedure. I will demand clarifications from him and Netanyahu," he said.

The minister added that "precisely in the days when the heroic settlers in Judea and Samaria are suffering from murderous terrorism, the Minister of Defense chooses to issue two administrative arrest warrants against two Jews, one of whom is a minor, while in dealing with the elements of terrorism he chooses an 'inclusive' policy - this is an action contrary to a democratic worldview."

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The damage of the riots in Hawara.

This week (Photo: Image Processing, Flash 90 Eric Marmor)

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The District Court in Jerusalem earlier released under restrictive conditions the eight suspects who were arrested following disturbances in Hawara.

Gallant signed the administrative arrest warrants against two young men out of the eight.

The chairman of the state camp, Benny Gantz, supported the move. "Strengthens the Minister of Defense who remembers that the government's mission is to prevent acts of terrorism and not to protect them," Gantz said. about the loss of a road and winks at the house burners in Hvara.

A fifth brother-in-law is sitting in the cabinet room."

Earlier this week, a few hours after the attack in Hawara in which two young Samaritans were murdered, hundreds of settlers attacked Palestinians at the entrance to the village and at the Taphu intersection. Dozens of cars, shops and family homes were set on fire - and Palestinian drivers were stoned, one Palestinian was killed.

At the same time, dozens of Palestinian families were evacuated from their homes after they were set on fire.

The security forces worked to remove the protesters and a police vehicle of the Makhtazit type entered the scene, but only hours later was control achieved - after they continued to attack and set fire to buildings in the area. A few hours later, arson began in several other locations in Samaria.

  • news

  • Army and security


  • Hvara

  • Settlers

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