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Factors involved in the compromise: "The main points of the reform will pass, even at the cost of severe internal shocks" | Israel today

3/5/2023, 5:17:52 AM

In the shadow of the wave of protests across the country: lawyers and public figures continue to try to formulate an agreed text for the legal reform in front of Levin and Rothman.

Frantic efforts by jurists and public figures outside the political system to formulate an agreed text for the legal reform.

"Israel Hayom" has learned that the talks are taking place on several channels, some of which have already been published and some of which are still taking place under the radar.

Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, and Chairman of the Constitutional Committee Simcha Rothman, are updated on the proposals under discussion and devote many hours themselves, with the aim of finding an agreed upon outline.

Sources informed of the contents of the talks told "Israel Hayom" that the efforts are exhausting "to the extent that people fall off their feet."

As published in Israel Hayom, the most charged issue is the composition of the committee for the selection of judges, which both the government and the opposition see as the tool that will shape the nature of the judicial system for years to come.

However, there are also gaps in other elements of the reform.

Minister of Justice Levin and Chairman of the Constitution Committee Rotman. Updated on the proposals under discussion, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

A source privy to the details noted that another difficulty in reaching a compromise is the gaps within the coalition.

He explained that even in cases where Rothman or Levin agree to be flexible, such as in the issue of the supersession clause, other parties refuse to do so.

The assessment of the number of parties involved in the settlement talks is that in the coming week it will finally become clear whether it has a chance to succeed.

They explained that due to the coalition's determined decision to finish the first part of the reform at the Knesset's winter conference, then the schedule requires the exhaustion of compromise efforts in the coming days.

This is because if no agreed outline is found, the coalition will take advantage of the three weeks left for the winter conference, which is ending, to pass the reform unilaterally.

In such a case, the government intends to initiate certain concessions in relation to the current outline of the reform.

However, aside from this possible flexibility, senior government officials make it clear that the main points of the reform will pass, even at the cost of severe internal shocks.

According to them, on the political level, the feeling in Likud is that the only interlocutor is former Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who sincerely wants a compromise.

Regarding Lapid, senior party officials said that "Lapid wants a fratricidal war. He thinks it's good for him politically."

Lapid and Gantz.

Likud believes that the chairman of the state camp wants a compromise, but Lapid does not, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Therefore, in Likud an effort will be made to reach a wording acceptable to Gantz.

However, if this effort fails, the prevailing opinion among the majority of party leaders is that the government must pass the reform in the current conference.

"All the threats and talk of refusal and media support are meant to break us," a senior official in the party told Israel Hayom.

He added that "We will not allow this. The Likud of 2023 is not the Likud of 1977. We will not repeat the mistake of Begin, who won the elections and lost power. The majority of the people support the restraint of the judicial system and the restoration of balance between the authorities. For decades they have torpedoed all proposals The reform that came up is what they are trying to do this time as well. We have learned the lessons of the past, we are not excited - there will be a reform." 

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