The Limited Times

The economic organizations call for talks on the legal reform without preconditions Israel today

3/5/2023, 10:24:41 AM

On behalf of Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich and Chairman of the Constitution Committee Simcha Rothman, it was said: "We call on the responsible parties in the opposition to also respond to the initiative and appear for a conversation with the President on Tuesday."

The heads of the leading economic organizations in the economy are calling today (Sunday) for a dialogue on the reform of the judicial system without preconditions.

The opposition attacked the call to respond to negotiations.

"Heads of the political system in Israel, it is your duty to show courageous leadership, sit around one table, talk and move towards a solution that will get us out of the economic and social spiral we have fallen into and which may get worse if you do not reach an agreed upon solution. This coming Tuesday you are all coming to the President's House with the aim of reaching an agreed outline - without conditions early!", so it was written on behalf of the heads of the organizations.

Among the seniors who called for talks.

Ron Tomer, President of the Manufacturers Association, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The letter is signed by: Dr. Ron Tomer, President of the Association of Manufacturers in Israel; Attorney Uriel Lin, President of the Association of Chambers of Commerce;

Raul Sargo, President of the Contractors Association;

Marian Cohen, head of the Israeli Hi-Tech Association.

On behalf of Justice Minister Yariv Levin, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Constitution Committee Chairman Simcha Rothman, it was said: "We call on the responsible parties in the opposition to also respond to the initiative and appear for a conversation with the President on Tuesday."

Dear Minister of Justice and Chairman of the Constitution Committee - enough with the spin. The Constitution Committee is meeting now and rushing forward, and you want us to come to talk? We don't have to wait for Tuesday, announce that you are stopping - and we will meet today at the President's office.

— Benny Gantz (@gantzbe) March 5, 2023

The chairman of the state camp, MK Benny Gantz, claimed that this was a "spin" by Levin and Rothman: "Dear Minister of Justice and Chairman of the Constitution Committee - enough with the spin. The Constitution Committee is meeting now and rushing forward, and you want us to talk? We don't have to wait For Tuesday, announce that you are stopping - and we will meet today at the president's office.'

"The lie of communication".

Yair Lapid, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Bish Atid also attacked: "The lie of negotiations. On the same day that the members of the failed coalition in place of the state issue a false announcement about negotiations, they bring to the Knesset the passage on overcoming, the fortification law and the promotion of a law to appoint a serial criminal to the minister. Stop the crazy legislation. Take a timeout. We will get there to the president. Until then: put order in the chaos that your government is sowing throughout the country."

were we wrong

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