The Limited Times

The founder of "Bloomberg" warns: the legal reform may cause more serious damage than the "Brexit" | Israel today

3/5/2023, 4:12:19 PM

Michael Bloomberg published a scathing article in the "New York Times" in which he compared the spirit of the legislation promoted by the government to the mindset that prevailed in the White House during the presidency of Richard Nixon, who was forced to resign because of the "Watergate" affair

The founder of the "Bloomberg" network and former mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, said today (Sunday) in an article in the "New York Times" that he had to "fight" for the values ​​that unite Israel and the United States because of the legal reform.

According to him, the moves that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government are promoting "endanger Israel's alliances in the world, the security of the region, its economy, and the democracy on which it is founded." 

Bloomberg was elected as a Republican mayor and served from 2002 to 2013. During his tenure, he left his party because, according to him, the Bush Jr. administration went too far to the right.

In 2020, he ran for the Democratic Party's nomination for the US presidency, but eventually withdrew and transferred his support to Joe Biden. 

In his article on Sunday, Bloomberg expressed concern that the legal reform promoted by the government, and especially the enhancement clause, will create a mindset among the members of the current or future government that is similar to the one that prevailed with the infamous President Richard Nixon, who was embroiled in the Watergate affair and was forced to resign. 

"This step [of the superseding clause] is very similar to Nixon's claim that 'when the president does something, it means it is not illegal,'" wrote Bloomberg, who emphasized that "the economic damage is already being felt."

Bloomberg, whose news portal is a household name in the financial world and is himself considered a billionaire and one of the richest people in the world, bemoans what he believes will go down the drain because of the reform.

"It can be said that no prime minister has done more to change the foundations of the Israeli economy and make it a global power than Netanyahu, but if he does not change his ways, there is a fear that all these achievements - and his hard-earned legacy - will be thrown away. The economic damage will cause the damage caused to Britain due to Brexit to be seen as a minor matter".

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