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The writer Galit Karlibach is not afraid "I am not pessimistic, there is always a need for books" | Israel today

3/5/2023, 10:25:03 AM

In a conversation with Shir Ziv Karlibach, she talks about her dream of living overseas • her opinion on the situation in Israel • and reveals the source of her new novel • listen

Galit Karlibach, an Israeli writer and publicist, came to Hofar for an interview on the occasion of the release of her eighth book, "Mezel Yatuma". 

"I always didn't belong"

The cliché "What doesn't kill is forged" can describe the story of Karlibach's childhood. Karlibach dives into her memories and tells about days when she felt different in the environment, "there was hidden and ugly racism", she recalls, "I always didn't belong and it was a terribly intimidating feeling at first, but today I know which is a great feeling." The challenges of childhood did not bring down her spirit, and even led her to develop a stiff and rough skin that is now also reflected in her writing. "I understood something about this world," Carlebach adds.  

"I always dreamed of living in Wales, the birthplace of my favorite author Dylan Thomas"

Carlebach, who was born in Sderot and grew up in the capital alongside all the complexities, dreamed of living overseas and even participated in an international writing program in Iowa.

Karlibach speaks soberly about the situation in Israel, "The situation in Israel was preceded by many years of divisions, hatred, polarization, and incitement against different sectors."

Does not live in Hamkin and does not drink Tamar coffee

It is impossible not to be impressed by the fact that Carlebach, an acclaimed and successful author, is not moved at all by the literary bohemia.

She states herself that she does not belong to any club, barangay or milieu, and according to her, "It's boring. I talk to writers, but not as a group."

About her new novel, she says "this novel has a pessimistic spirit, the suffering and poverty are there, at the back doors".

Dahan Karlibach, who is characterized by a bold and unique writing style, which brought her quite a few honors and awards, also tells the dig about the narcissistic generation of writers that grew up here in Israel, reveals whether she will write a bourgeois novel in the future and reveals what the writer Amir Gottfreund wrote to her before his death?

All in the new episode of the digger.

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