The Limited Times

"The feeling of fear is great": the heads of local authorities call for dialogue Israel today

3/6/2023, 10:00:52 AM

Against the background of the advancement of the reform legislative procedures, Herzog convened the heads of the authorities at his home • Chairman of the Local Government Center Haim Bibbs: "An order was issued to stop the legislative process" • Beer Sheva Mayor Rubik Danilovich: "If one side wins in a knockout, the people will lose"

This morning (Monday), the President convened a hundred heads of authorities in his home for an emergency meeting against the background of the advancement of the legal reform legislative procedures and the widespread protest against them.

During the conference, some of the heads of the authorities spoke and warned against the rift in the nation.

Chairman of the Local Government Center and Mayor of Modi'in Haim Bibbs called for an immediate halt to the legislation and said: "The suspension order to go to negotiations.

An order was issued to stop the legislative process." Beer Sheva Mayor Rubik Danilovich also warned against the consequences of a victory in the hands of another party. According to him, "If one party wins in a knockout, the people will lose."

Herzog: "It is possible to turn the crisis into a defining constitutional moment" // Credit: IDF spokesman

The head of the Efrat Local Council Oded Ravibi compared the days of the Megillah to today and said, "This is not the first time I have come to the Mishkan in the last month. From visit to visit, the reality only becomes more difficult. On the eve of reading the Megillah, it is hard for me not to remember the wicked Haman who identified with a dispersed people, one in which there is a deep crisis and asked to take advantage of the momentum to destroy that people. The call tonight must also be a wake-up call to what will happen if, God forbid, we do not succeed in negotiating, if, God forbid, we remain with Meford. The history of the Jewish people will not forgive us if we do not know how to force the central government to lower the flames and sit down Speak".

Mayor of BS Rubik Danilovich, photo: Dodi Vaknin

Ravibi called on President Herzog to distribute the compromise outline to the citizens of Israel and said "Just as King Ahasuerus sent the king's letter today, we the heads of the authorities will make sure to distribute and share the president's outline. Politicians love popularity. When they see the amount of shares we have and the number of supporters of the outline, they will understand where we stand the majority".

The head of the Dalit Al Kamal local council, Rafik Halavi, once again described the feeling of fear that surrounds the public leaders and said that "from the height of my age, I can testify that I have come here many times. I have never come with such a great feeling of fear."

As mentioned, President Yitzhak Herzog today invited about a hundred heads of authorities to the President's House in order to exert increasing pressure on the heads of the coalition and the opposition to enter into negotiations regarding the compromise outline in the legal legislation.

This is after the president's previous attempts to call the politicians into the same room were unsuccessful, and meanwhile the protest is getting worse.

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