The Limited Times

"The instability is dangerous, moving the economy will be very difficult afterwards" | Israel today

3/6/2023, 8:18:34 AM

A warning light: Eitan Yohannoff, the owner of the food chain, refers to the struggle surrounding the reform and clarifies: "The damage will be great even if you don't see it now" • Also refers to the cost of living: "The tools are in the hands of the government"

"The instability radiates and will radiate on the market especially in the long term, even if you don't see the damage now," says Eitan Yohannoff, the owner of the "Yohannoff" food chain, referring to the legal reform and the cost of living, in a special interview with Israel Hayom.

"Long-term instability causes damage, and certainly does not cause development and growth," he states.

"I call with all my heart to politicians on both sides, to love each other instead of hating each other and to understand where the public is that expects results. The government has been paralyzed for several years, and we feel like orphans. We face all the problems alone. The government has not been able to pass a budget in an orderly manner for a long time, and this It's really unfortunate as a citizen to see this situation we've found ourselves in. I call on everyone to come to their senses. I look from the sidelines and say - about what? This country is amazing. Why destroy it?".

It was important for Yohannoff to emphasize that the words were not said from a certain political point of view.

"I see it as a citizen and not as a political concept. I'm a businessman and I don't trust the political side. I'm not talking about right or left. We are one nation that wants to succeed and do good. We have tremendous achievements, and we need to align and maintain that."

"doesn't take a stand"

Companies in the economy, including Shufersal, allowed to demonstrate in exchange for a day off.

Did you also enable it?

"I take care not to get into this debate. Personally, I maintain that everyone is wrong and everyone should see what is wrong. Therefore, I do not take a position. Everyone has a hand in this event, so I have no interest in taking sides from a real place. I think that everyone They need to come to their senses and get out of the hatred. It has reached a bad place that endangers the country. Our enemies now simply cannot believe their eyes. The existence of the country should interest us, and the small fights are not worth losing the country."

Are you afraid of investors fleeing?

"I think the market proves that the market is strong, and you can really see it by the increase in the interest rate. Why did the governor decide to sharply raise the interest rate once again? Because the market is kicking and it doesn't stop. However, we need to understand that it belongs to all of us, and we need to know Get along and hold it together. You have to understand it deeply, that there will be no winners here.

Yohannoff branch in Modi'in // Photo: Yohanan Shaul // Yohannoff branch in Modi'in,

"It's like a couple getting divorced. Each side thinks they will win, but there are children who pay the price, so neither side can win. We are in the month of Adar. When Adar comes, Marbin is happy. Let them dance together instead of fighting. In the short term, the market is strong, and this is an amazing country The country is magic and something amazing. It's really sad to see how we are doing it with our own hands because we are not able to understand that we are one nation. Our grandchildren will have to live here. These effects are starting to seep in. You can see that the shekel is starting to weaken. The political situation. The message I am conveying to the government is to understand that, God forbid, if the wagon stops, it is not a risk we can take. Restarting the market is no laughing matter. We fought, shouted, beat - enough. This is already starting to be a bad phase."

What are your plans regarding the cost of living?

Are you thinking, for example, of expanding your own brand?

"We are doing everything we can, and we will continue to do things like adding categories. It is important to emphasize that the heavy tools are in the hands of the government, such as opening up imports in all areas and easing regulation and barriers, so that everything is quick and easy."

The food chains fought with the big brands.

Today do you feel a decrease in their sales?

"Yes, the vigilance of the consumer has greatly increased to the level of the price he pays. Since we started talking about the cost of living, the amount of products we put on the shelves as replacements is immeasurably huge compared to previous years."

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