The Limited Times

The young man who was attacked in Pinoy Binyamin is demanding tens of thousands of shekels from the police: "Violent and unnecessary arrest". Israel today

3/6/2023, 7:55:01 AM

After he was recorded on video being violently attacked by police officers during the evacuation of the vineyard near Shiloh, the young man filed a lawsuit against the police officers through the Honnu organization • Attorney Wiesel: "The sole purpose of the arrest - release of anger and aggression"

The young man who was documented being attacked a few weeks ago during the evacuation of the vineyard near Shiloh by the police officers, today (Monday) filed a lawsuit against them through attorney Eladi Wiesel from the Honnu organization in the amount of NIS 75,000 at the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court.

In the lawsuit, Attorney Wiesel describes the incident: "On February 15, 2023, police officers arrived to destroy a vineyard in Gush Shiloh. The vineyard area was visited by settlers who came to protest against the demolition of the vineyard and try to delay it until it becomes clear from the political echelon whether the act of destruction is being carried out with legal authority Legally. The complainant also came to the area in order to protest against the legality of the destruction. Police officers acted against the complainant with severe violence which included: many punches - including punches that were thrown in the complainant's face even after he was chained to the road -, choking, knees and kicks, one of which was thrown with great force directly in the face of the complainant," Wiesel described.

Honno organization

"Initially, one of the policemen strangled the complainant while other policemen who were around him kicked him and punched him in the head and other parts of his body," Wiesel continued.

"Then they threw him on the road and while the complainant's body was falling towards the road, another policeman suddenly emerged from the side who decided to 'join the celebration' and without any need, justification or understandable connection, swung his leg and kicked a powerful kick directly in the face of the complainant. The mask of violence did not end, but even after the complainant was lying and chained on the road while three policemen were leaning on him, they continued to hit him with vigorous and numerous punches to the head."

According to Wiesel, the police acted with severe violence without any justification and without judgment: "Throughout all the many blows the police inflicted on the complainant, they did not stop for a moment to examine whether there was any justification for the great violence they were using, but continued to fight me and inflict many blows in succession and at a rapid pace without any Use of discretion and proportionality. It should be emphasized, as predicted in the video, that throughout the entire attack the complainant did not riot and he was even surrounded by many policemen who seized him from all sides so that there is no room for error in thinking that there was some kind of justification or legal purpose for the excessive and irreligious violence that was used against him ".

Wiesel recounts the damages caused to the young man as a result of the violent attack: "As a result of the attack, the claimant was bruised in all parts of his body and blood oozed from his hand and face. As a result of his shocking and brutal attack, the claimant was injured and suffered physical pain, severe suffering and great mental anguish. As of the date of filing the claim, the claimant is still suffering on a daily basis "My back and legs hurt every day."

Attorney Wiesel said after filing the statement of claim: "This is a brutal and unnecessary violent arrest, the sole purpose of which was to release anger and aggression.

After the severe violence inflicted by the police on the plaintiff, they chose not to take him to the police station but to release him on the spot, which shows that they also understood - after their anger cooled - that this was an arrest without a legal purpose.

We expect that the court will accept our claim, award appropriate and dissuasive compensation against the violent police officers, and eat thorns from the vineyard."

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