The Limited Times

Netanyahu rejects the president's outline: "His words were not agreed upon by the coalition" - voila! news

3/15/2023, 8:19:00 PM

The Prime Minister responded to the outline presented by the President for the legal reform, and claimed that the attempt to reach agreements is indeed appropriate - but the outline "perpetuates the existing situation and does not restore the balance between the authorities". He gave the response before leaving for Berlin

State President Herzog presents the people's outline for changes in the judicial system (L.A.M.)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this evening (Wednesday) rejected the outline presented by President Yitzhak Herzog for legal reform.

He gave the response shortly after the outline was presented, and before it was shown to Berlin.

"Any attempt to reach an agreement is worthy, and therefore the representatives of the coalition talked with the president time and time again," he claimed at the beginning of his remarks.

"Unfortunately, the things the president presented were not agreed upon by the coalition, and many clauses perpetuate the existing situation and do not restore the balance between the authorities. This is the unfortunate truth," he added.

"Many clauses perpetuate the existing situation and do not restore the balance between the authorities", Netanyahu (Photo: Knesset Channel)

Following Netanyahu's words, MK Gideon Sa'ar from the state camp said: "Netanyahu's rejection of the president's outline this evening indicates a leadership failure and historical short-sightedness.

The president's outline as a whole is broad, balanced and fundamentally decent.

Full responsibility will be placed on those who miss the opportunity to prevent a sharp rift in the people of Israel at this fateful hour."

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  • Political-political


  • Benjamin Netanyahu

  • The legal revolution

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